Assorted Pieces Of Bogwood - Two Very Large


Fish Gatherer
Oct 1, 2008
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Equipment make/model/size: Two large piece of READY SOAKED bogwood and one small piece of READY SOAKED bogwood. They all stand up by themselves as photographed. They are darker in the water of course, but have dried out as in garden.

Quantity for sale: 3

Reason for Sale: Not needed in new tank

Delivery or Collection: Collection only

Sales price: Offers

Postage & Packaging: Open to discussion

Location: sunny Suffolk

Piece One
Just over 2ft long and high







Piece Two




Piece Three


I live in Suffolk too so i'm gutted that I don't have a tank that would accommodate the first piece of bogwood :(
Liking the look of the big piece.

What price you after Chilli?

Would be postage sadly, way to far.
Liking the look of the big piece.

What price you after Chilli?

Would be postage sadly, way to far.

Make me an offer :) Baring in mind that this is ready soaked - it was incredibly dirty when bought, and took a good 6 months to get all the tannins out! :lol:

I can courier but not sure how much it would be. Certainly £10+
What are the dimensions of piece 2,I have a mate who is after a tall piece of wood for his tank.

Hey, sorry just seen this. I'll get measurements in a bit. They are pretty big bits :good:
hello i like the look of number 3 i have 2 n half foot tank how much including postage mate?

Hiya, I'll take this with me tomorrow as well.

Thinking about £12, posted, but depends on postage. That OK?
Hi, are any of these pieces still for sale - I wasn't sure after reading the above enquiries? Don't want to tread on anyone's toes!!!

However, if either piece 1 or piece 2 ARE still available, then I'd be interested, please. Do you have prices for each piece, including P&P?
Hi, are any of these pieces still for sale - I wasn't sure after reading the above enquiries? Don't want to tread on anyone's toes!!!

However, if either piece 1 or piece 2 ARE still available, then I'd be interested, please. Do you have prices for each piece, including P&P?

Hi, they are all still available. I haven't had time to get measurements :rolleyes: They are large bits though, around 1ft by 2ft ish. I'll try and get some next week as got a hectic few days coming up.

Really not sure on courier cost, they are heavy bits even when dry. I was thinking of around £35 posted, but will have to get them weighed. Should be able to do it with my OH's fishing scales, but will have to ask him first.

Pity you can't collect - I also have two rather nice Rotkeils for sale :lol:
David C - in answer to your PM, yes I have still got the first two pieces for sale. However they are collect only at the moment as I am so busy I cannot pack them up, get them weighed and then sent etc. Sorry.
Equipment make/model/size: Two large piece of READY SOAKED bogwood and one small piece of READY SOAKED bogwood. They all stand up by themselves as photographed. They are darker in the water of course, but have dried out as in garden.

Quantity for sale: 3

Reason for Sale: Not needed in new tank

Delivery or Collection: Collection only

Sales price: Offers

Postage & Packaging: Open to discussion

Location: sunny Suffolk

Piece One
Just over 2ft long and high







Piece Two




Piece Three


Hi ya I like the first bit of bogwood how much please
I'd be checking the dates of the prior post before creating a new post. This thread is a good 7 years old...

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