Assassin Snails


Fish Maniac
Tank of the Month 🏆
Oct 29, 2018
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Any drawback to keeping assassin snails in a 55g tank with cories and neon tetras? I have an opportunity to get some free and want to eradicate all of the Malaysian trumpet snails and ramshorns in the tank.
The only drawback I can think of, is that they eat non-pest snails, such as mystery and nerite.

If you don’t have any of those, I say go for it. I know how annoying MTS and BRH snails can be. :rolleyes:
Sounds like a good option :) They look good too!
Mine had quite the appetite for ramshorn snails. Eradicated those in no time! Much as I would have liked them to rid my tank of the nertites that found there way in there, they seemed disinterested in them. As far as I could tell they never ate a one. Interestingly, though they kept my bladder snails down to undetectable levels, those things returned as soon as the assassins were out of there.

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