Assasin Snails

yeah about 50p-£1 depending on the size. how are the baby livebearers snakequeen?
They are fine Nick
Happily swimming round in my fry tank
My boys cant wait for them to get a bit bigger so they can go into their tanks
thats excellent. glad they like them, i hope they have coloured up well.
Sorry to hijack lol but are you plannin on sellin any ?

I was lookin at these on ebay last night and they were wantign £15 bucks for the 4 not including postage ! Is it true that they dont bread like normal snails 1 egg or so every month ? don't want to get over run with snails but the assasins were nice snails

Yer i was loking for prices to possibly sell some.
but depends on what im offered as to wether i will part with them really
can they breed i you just get one?? does anyone know? if not i will have one!!! either by post or (if) you next come round snakequeen. hope you are well.
sorry to hijack but just wondering how messy are they? just seen a few snails in my 10g thats cycling and its got no fish in atm and nothing in my stock eats snails so was wondering if this could be an option?
Assassins aren't very messy, how long have you been cycling the tank?

I've heard that assasins will not breed in an aquarium setting.And if they do it's kind of a miracle.

No they do breed in aquariums but they are Gonochorists so you need a male and a female and very slow breeders. They only lay eggs on stiff stemmed plants or occasionally bog wood and only 1 egg every 2-3 weeks. The babies onc hatched dig into the substrate and rarely be seen until they emerge after 6+ months.

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