Aspen's Newspaper Fortress


Rabid Betta Activist
Jan 24, 2005
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Meet Aspen, a very charming, perhaps a bit nippy, conure! He is five years old and though we've never had him sexed, I'm assuming male seeing as he ejaculated on my friend Greg's neck. :X He was a gift from my grandparents, who are very thoughtful, though I was a bit perturbed at the time since
a) I'm totally opposed to the parrot trade
b)He might not have liked me, then what would I do with him and
c) He lives some 30+ years.
However, everything turned out fine and all in all I'm glad to have this special little guy in my life.

Anyways, Aspen has this adorable habbit of tunneling under newspaper. He'll run around under it making all of these hilarious noises, particularly when he is angry. I caught this picture of him peeking out from some papers on top of his cage.


Anyone else's birds make newspaper fortresses or have other cute little antics?

Oh yea, while we're on birds, here is a link to a picture of my rescued Amazon, Pretty Bird, getting ready to do his favorite thing: Killing my plants. (Don't worry folks, I don't let him eat them, and none of them are toxic)
cool bird!!!

i have a parrot too, unfortunatly hes gotton very nasty, and we are giving him up :-(
awww, thats soo cool. My bird 'angel' has an appetite for destruction! She demolited a whole branch 5cm thick, and fell to the floor with it. lol. She also ripped my "parrot toy" apart, so much for a tough toy eh?!?!?

There just aint no stopping her. :X

Thats soo cute. I think ill give my angel some newspaper and see what she does with it! :D :D
the destructor........

Edit: Doh :X, that was sposed to have a pic of angle attached, but it is saying i cant upload that type of file or somethin...... :/
i have a parrot too, unfortunatly hes gotton very nasty, and we are giving him up

You should look into modifying the nasty behavior first; there are already tons of birds who lost their homes when 9 out of 10 times, the behavior could quite readily be modified. That, and the bird may be getting nasty because he or she is either hitting sexual maturity, or it is "bird season." My rescued parrot, Pretty Bird, hit sexual maturity at 3, bit someone, and was immediately homeless, living in a vet's office in a little cage for the next 5 years. I've worked with her for about a year and while she's still very tramatized and doesn't appreciate handling, she is no longer attacking people as she previously was.

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