Asian Biotope

I actually really like the height difference, it is unexpected, but that is just me.

The tank is looking really very good. The ram is stunning. I never had TPN+ give me diatom problems, but I had gradually increased my dosing and I think I am still rather lean. I could dose more, but I'm waiting for another shipment, so I have to make what I have last.

What type of moss do you plan on using?
Thanks, I think I may go for xmas or willow moss, not sure yet, depends on what I can get hold of, the diatoms are gone, 7 days of EI dosing and its gone. I forgot to update a new FTS the other night so here it is:-

here is before and after

Evening all, Just a small picture-less update:

I've halved the lighting, so I am now running, 28 watts of T5 and the fish are a lot happier, especially the ember tetras! I may buy 5 Corydoras hastatus on sunday, and then the tank is going without until after christmas as I still haven't got anything yet!

Plant growth is very good! the Microsorum pteropus is reproducing like no bodies business, I've sold the vallis, It went to someone on another forum, I believe he is active on here though!

Last week the rams laid eggs, but they ate them :angry: I'm sure they'll get better as parents :rolleyes:
The Ember tetras spawned 3 weeks ago, the eggs are like grains of sand and there is no chance of me raising them!

The shrimp are doing their business, and I hope to find a nursery of babies when I open the filter up on sunday. I've been having a potassium deficiency problem, which was swiftly rectified with some potassium sulfate.

Future plans for this set up are to add another piece of bog wood on the right with a load of microsorum pteropus attached to it, and I may attempt a cryptocoryne parva carpet.

If I buy the Cories on sunday, I will do an update with more pictures.

Cheers, Jack
Hi, heres the rather late update, I added some more wood instead of fish, as well as some more microsorum pteropus, All additions are now on hold until I've bought Christmas gifts for my family.

Heres an FTS, Excuse the dust algae :blush: :-


As you can see, the new microsorum is a bit poor, but it will pick up within a few weeks and will look similar to that on the other side.
Comments and constructive criticisms are welcome

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Just a quick sunday afternoon update

I bought 12 Trigonostigma hengeli this morning, got 13 actually, they're really nice! I also bought a Bristlenose plec at about 3 inches.

Will get pics up some time before christmas when I fell motivated :/
I'll be stripping this tank down in the coming weeks, I've decided that I want to venture into the world of african cichlids, it's been fun guys, thanks to anyone that has helped me, I will get a finalized photo up by the end of the week.

Really chuffed with this set up, and I will miss it, but life is too short and there are lots of species I wish to keep.

All plants will be for sale on the forum as will the fertilisers, please check the plants and equipment section for details, in the United kingdom Classifieds forum.

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