As Promised: Green Lasers Dancing More Pics

They are starting to feel better and some are acting happy. I still have to treat them once more; a few have some bumps still; one didn't make it; the other that I was concerned about seems to have gone from grey to dark, but is looking more comfortable. I am hoping that the worst is over and I will be able to restore their plants soon. They like their plants.

So soon I will let them know of your request, because I think that the green lasers would be really happy in one of your tanks, lljdma, and would really look great.
I don't know :unsure: Sometimes they look better and sometimes they don't. I am concerned about changing the treatment. I have to do another water change today and retreat the tank. I am really concerned for them. Everyone else in the tank is ok; none got any symptoms. They are not supper happy, but they don't look beat up. The green lasers, look just tatty. If they don't recover well, I will certainly get a new shipment. It is just time consuming and adds to the stress on the rest of the tanks as I have trouble keeping up with the rest of the fish.
I just added the second treatment of the API Fungus Cure erthromycin. I moved all the decore and Plec caves and no bodies appeared. So that is good news. I did not dump the caves, although the green lasers like to hide in the Plec caves. But the Plecs are omnivorous, so I guess if there are any bodies they are gone now. So everyone came out and dashed around. It freed the worms up for eating.

In all, it looks promising. :look: Once the bumps clear; I clear the water, restore the plants, and the cycle is back on track, they should be happy again.
The green lasers are doing well and a covey of them was out huddled together on the roof of a Plec cave tonight. Tomorrow I will do the water change and start the tank recovery. I saw one had some of the bumps, but he was very unconcerned searching for worms in the sand.

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