Sadly, I accidentally turned the thermometer up hotter when I thought I was setting it lower. I noticed that some of the new younger ones were losing color, then some went grey and some got greenish yellow bumps on them. I thought I might have velvet, although I have never had velvet in any of my tanks. So I started with CopperSafe, salt (they were oxygen starved--sipping air), a bubble curtain and Maracyn Plus. Then I noticed that the tank was almost 80 degrees! I turned the heat down and pm'ed Bryan. He said, not likely velvet as Corys aren't prone to velvet. It is most likely columnaris from the high temp. So I did water changes and changed to a fungus/columnaris med. So far none are lost, and they are looking better--lots of color is back, most of the grey is gone, none are sipping air at the surface, although several stay in the bubble screen, and they are no longer swimming erratic. Tomorrow I will try to get the med that Bryan recommended: API Fungus Cure. I am presently treating them with Jungle Eleminator. I had planned on switching to Maracyn, but I will check out the API med.
Poor little guys. I hope they all make it.
I am only offering GelTek erthromycin. One of them is grazing on the hair algae! I may have a picture of him.
They are among the most striking and attractive Corys. I could easily be talked into a bigger group. I have them with a harlequin mix that includes some neon harlequins.
The whole tank is sitting out staring at me: Jari Zebra Plecs, C. simulatus pair, C. cudamaculatus crowd, and the green lasers--not the harlequins. lol
"Feed Us! Feed Us! And get this yellow stinky stuff out of our TANK!!!! NOW!!!"