Articles Required


TFF Founder
Retired Moderator ⚒️
Jan 17, 2002
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The time has come the walrus said... for us to make an archive.

If people could please try and write an article for it, it would be very much appreciated. Currently we have just a few articles - water chemistry by our stickle is one of them and the cycling by whacky is another.
Just write an article about your fish, perhaps a beginners account, or a specific one about say (eg cryosi) plecos or cichlids. Pretty much anything is needed and we also would really like some help articles. Currently required specifically are:

* Suitable Fish/Compatible
* Getting Started - perhaps a beginners account/diary?
* General breeding guide for all fish and also specific ones for fish of your choice we can add to make it more comprehensive eg ancistrus or cories
* Fish Disease
you can choose one topic or them all if you feel energetic and also how to remedy the problem if there is a remedy...:
Neon Disease.
Hole in the head
* Equipment

There are lots of other useful topics and if you wish to do a report on your area of expertise then its most welcome, even if its not in the list!

We're also accepting fish pictures and will have a member's tank section- I'll just grab from the member's tank forum :p if you could do a little description about your tank and give a couple of your best pictures that
would be brilliant.

You'll get full credit on the site once its made, if you decide to make an article please email it to me at [email protected]
Yep, that will go into the species archive :thumbs:
great idea william i am sure i can add something some where m8
Excellent, right now we need the articles I said up there and also fish index stuff, to begin with its going to be broad and general we'll slowly make it more specific as we go along. Cryosi could you do an article on pleco's generally where they come from what the eat etc... please :) You'll get full credit :D

Gibbo's eel advice is in there right now but theres no point in putting it up when we are missing so much information ;) . We no longer require the disease files as stickleback has done them! :thumbs: :thumbs:
The list is deteriorating fast for the major articles!

Currently all thats required are:

1) General Breeding Guide For all fish eg conditioning etc.

2) Compatible fish group which will encompass the species archive.

So all we need is information on the fish you keep :thumbs: All thats needed is:

Common name- Scientific name

Adult size:
Minimum tank size:
Breeding: How to manage it conditioning time taken how often etc...
Comments: eg size a little bit about them if they shoal how many to shoal

Thats about it really just start a new topic in this section of the board with "Index - [the Fish's Common Name]' as topic and post the stuff here then when we see it we can put it into a website, its gonna take a while to do but it'll be worth it, plus if you have any pictures then that is absolutely ace also
Also i think you should include

Adult size:

and possibly

Minimum tank size:
Good idea, as stickle says! 8) I've changed the original post so it now reflects stickle's ideas :D
tank size! this is where i get confused as i use the tank size as 72x24x24 for instance yet others use the tank size 55 gal..... could we use both, or it is easier for you guys for gal rather than inches! ( everytime someone mentions gal i have to look it up) ( and no i am not getting old) :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
he he! well it only has tobe a rough guide, so if u really have no clue, just put the tank size down, and william will either convert it or leave it as it is :)

p.s. mines done will *puts hand out for wages* ;) :p :lol: :lol:
ok then think we should make up a tank chart for people like me and post it as a tank index size u up for that stickle or william lol( or anyone lol)

wages! cool wait for postie then :lol: :lol:
he he, postie ? mines comin by securicor ;) HA HA HA!! :D :D

A tank size/volume chart would be an idea. There are many programmes that will calculate all that for you tho.

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