The time has come the walrus said... for us to make an archive.
If people could please try and write an article for it, it would be very much appreciated. Currently we have just a few articles - water chemistry by our stickle is one of them and the cycling by whacky is another.
Just write an article about your fish, perhaps a beginners account, or a specific one about say (eg cryosi) plecos or cichlids. Pretty much anything is needed and we also would really like some help articles. Currently required specifically are:
* Suitable Fish/Compatible
* Getting Started - perhaps a beginners account/diary?
* General breeding guide for all fish and also specific ones for fish of your choice we can add to make it more comprehensive eg ancistrus or cories
* Fish Disease
you can choose one topic or them all if you feel energetic and also how to remedy the problem if there is a remedy...:
Neon Disease.
Hole in the head
* Equipment
There are lots of other useful topics and if you wish to do a report on your area of expertise then its most welcome, even if its not in the list!
We're also accepting fish pictures and will have a member's tank section- I'll just grab from the member's tank forum if you could do a little description about your tank and give a couple of your best pictures that
would be brilliant.
You'll get full credit on the site once its made, if you decide to make an article please email it to me at [email protected]
If people could please try and write an article for it, it would be very much appreciated. Currently we have just a few articles - water chemistry by our stickle is one of them and the cycling by whacky is another.
Just write an article about your fish, perhaps a beginners account, or a specific one about say (eg cryosi) plecos or cichlids. Pretty much anything is needed and we also would really like some help articles. Currently required specifically are:
* Suitable Fish/Compatible
* Getting Started - perhaps a beginners account/diary?
* General breeding guide for all fish and also specific ones for fish of your choice we can add to make it more comprehensive eg ancistrus or cories
* Fish Disease
you can choose one topic or them all if you feel energetic and also how to remedy the problem if there is a remedy...:
Neon Disease.
Hole in the head
* Equipment
There are lots of other useful topics and if you wish to do a report on your area of expertise then its most welcome, even if its not in the list!
We're also accepting fish pictures and will have a member's tank section- I'll just grab from the member's tank forum if you could do a little description about your tank and give a couple of your best pictures that
would be brilliant.
You'll get full credit on the site once its made, if you decide to make an article please email it to me at [email protected]