
2 1/2" remeber astro so it's not a bad size but still a baby.

I agree you should try to find another type of arowana, depending on your tank dimensions a silver still might grow too big. I'm picking up my Asian one today :kana: :kana: :kana: I'll post some pics up tonight so you can see what there like.

You have to shed out a bit more cash for either of those types though unfortunately, think of it as an investment that would be worth tonnes more when grown up.
There is no such thing as a 1/2" arowana, they hatch out of the egg at 2.5 to 3 inches. I would not recomend anyone buys a arowana smaller than 6 inches, arowanas smaller than this are still absorbing their egg sack and are very delicate.
is your tank 30g. or 300 gallons. if so , the 3oo gallon can house it, but with no other fish. you should get it at a decent size, and feed it live food. :D
An arrowana for $19.99, isn't that like, amazing? An arrowana around here goes for $1,250!!! :crazy:
RIP OFFS! where i work we have a 3in. baby arrowana who has fully consumed its yoak for 11.99$. 6-8 in. for 29.99$. and 1 footer for 99.99$. and they all eat pellets and freezed dried krill! I hate how fish stores have to have the need to jack up prices! its really sad.
The price of a arowana really depends on which species it is, there are 4 species known in the hobby which vary from 20 dollars/pounds for a reasonable sized silver (Osteoglossum bicirrhousum) to many thousands for a good quallity Asian gold (Scleropages formosus) with pearls (Scleropages jardini) and blacks (Osteoglossum ferreirai) coming some where inbetween as around 50 dollars/pounds for a reasonable sized fish.
Concerning diet i believe if u can get it a specially mixed food that would be good for the arrowana, but i think it would be best if you mixed in a little something else now and again. I tend to find a mixed diet (not just one food stufff) adds colour and activity to fish, for example i feed my oddballs the following:

a helping of nutron cichlid pellets mixed with jmc flake foods with algae tabs as a base dietbut i add at least one of the following every night:

blood worm
lance fish
frozen cichlid mix in the african tank (any of the lake mixes that are available)
Discus mix

before anyone says anything it is only ONE of the above and the standard mix is eaten by all tank occupants eg plecs cichlids and synos
I could only find 1 Jardini, and it was 85.95$ :blink: and thats out of my price range. I just want to know if the 2 1/2" one will die on me? :S
It will be delicate as Final Dynazty said so try to find something a little bigger.
If you need help finding a cheap jardini, I can point you to a seller that sells them for $35, but then there's shipping. I would, though go with something that has absorbed it's eggsac, they can be very tough to care for in this state. Jardinis to usually top out at 18" or a bit over, and and silvers usually stop at 3', but jardinis are MUCH more aggressive for the most part. If it's a silver aro, then that's a pretty average price, and that's about the cheapest that it'll get.

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