
arrowane belongs in oddballs, not catfish cradle :) ... Afraid I cant give any advice on this though
not in a 24 gallon. When u get a 200 gallon it will be ok.
im so sick of people askin about arrowanas, yes they are kool. but they need a 300 gallon tank. when you happen to get a 300 gallon or bigger then ask questions about arrowanas.
FD, lighten up a bit. Plus, if you look at the first fish in your tank, I don't think they are in an adequate sized tank, either. (Of course, you probably know that and will be moving them).

This person is probably a newbie, ok? Lots of people are enthusiastic about getting pretty fish, and tehy are here to ask questions before buying them, which is the sensible way to go about doing things. You don't need to redicule them for something that they know nothing about.
ight im sorry. mabye someone should put it as a pinned topic to alert all newbies. I work at a pet store and i have to deal with it everyday about arrowanas. someone wanted to put a 6in arrowana in a 10 gallon community. and it sickens and angers me. everyone should all do there research before they buy a fish to know wat they are gettin themselves into. :eek:
:lol: So the labels on Walmart and Petsmart tanks rang true.

Anyways, there is one in the cats section, I believe. But where would this be posted? Beginners section?

Suggest in the suggestions forum. :D :thumbs:
Final Dynazty said:
and my irr. have stayed small they stoped growing i had them for 4 years and they are only 8in.
:eek: that's called stunting and it's not a good thing :/

the I.D. Sharks can push 4 foot in length given the right environment
Everyone would probable like a arowana including me but unless i find a rare one which stays slightly smaller I can't get one and I have a 200 gallon tank.

At my work everyone has a look at the arowana and are intrigged by it but as soon as you say it grows to 4ft they laugh it off. Then again our 1 is a more sensible size at about 8inch.
I am not a newbie! and so what if i put my post in catfish cradle insted of oddballs? i am sure we have all made a mistake. :fun: yet, IS IT OK TO GET AN ARROWANA FOR 19.99!
19.99 for a 2inch fish is Ok i suppose not too sure what that is in pounds £10??

But to be honest I would look out for a bigger one, in UK you usually spot Silver Arowanas at around 8inch for £30-£40 which i suppose is bout $80.

I'm buying a green arowana tomorrow for £100 at 6inch.

Would love to see a pic of the 300 gallon in your sig, what are the dimensions?
I am not a newbie! and so what if i put my post in catfish cradle insted of oddballs? i am sure we have all made a mistake. yet, IS IT OK TO GET AN ARROWANA FOR 19.99!
It all depends on the kind of aro it is.
By the price of it, to me it sounds like a silver aro, at 1/2 inch their mortality rate is higher (still has its eg sac, right?), i'd go for a larger one size.
Try a jardini (although a little more aggressive), they relatively smaller, or if you can dish out the dough, get an asian aro.

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