leave the shrimp frozen just brake it up into small bits you dont want the aro doing down to eat food from the tank base it will get drop eye which just makes the fish look dam ugly
all aros will eat meal worms and you dont want the aro eatting feeders all the time whats the point
a 20 gal tank is a joke for a aro of any size even a 7x2x2ft tank is way to small for a silver aro which will grow to 3ft+ a silver aro needs a tank thats at least 30inch wide and 7ft long 3ft wide would be better
if you only have a 20g tank would worrie more about get the new tank set up now for him as aros grow at 1-2inch per month
Careful attacking the kid, he's only asking us how to take care of it with what he's got for now. After all, he wasn't planning on really putting an arowana in a 20. It was his dad's surprise mistake. So relax, and just tell him what he can do rather than tell him how wrong he is.
~ Wonderboy!
mmm i have read back my post and it doesnt sound like an attack to me it sounds like im trying to let the owner of the future 3ft + aro what size tank he is going to need for it in the next 10 months - 1yr
if you are giving advice to let the aro feed from the tank base then your 2ft silver must have a very bad case of drop eye due to the fact you have allowed it to feed from the tank base