Arrowana =/


New Member
Apr 15, 2006
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My father ignorantly bought a baby arrowana (without eggyolk) to a 20 gallon community fish tank - thinking that it will not grow to more than 3 feet long! :sly: I am considering giving the baby to a nearby zoo with an aquarium soon. But meanwhile, what do I feed it? I don't think it has eaten in about 4 days except for maybe a dead guppy which I killed purposely so it can eat it (but I didn't actually see it eat it although the fish was missing when I saw it 30 minutes later). :( Any suggestions is appreciated!
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Odd ball i think.
This is amature advice, you could try them on bloodworms earthworms prawns.... I have heard that they won't eat properly until settled into the tank, but your better off asking those on here which own arrowana themselves.
The arrowana is attempting to eat small round fish pellets but each time it gobbles one, it spits it back out. :X So will bloodworms, earthworms or prawns float? If they just fall towards the bottom of the tank, it will be pretty useless as these fishes only stay on top. The only thing I have now is wriggly waxworms :hey:, which will temporarily stay on top of the water line. umm, what else do I have... reptomin turtle pellets? In another tank, I have turtles. Maybe arrowanas will like it. :/ That's basically all I have until the next visit to the pet shop.

Oh and also, in the fish tank, it contains lots of guppies & minnows (feeder)... I've heard that arrowanas will actually catch them. But the validity of that doesn't seem to be so true for me...

So how many people in this forum own arrows? :D
Oohh, I'll definitely get that tommorow! :D

Will crickets do also? I hear they float pretty fell. :lol:

:band: :band: :band:

I just saw my arowana catch a preggy guppy! The catch was so fast and quick with deft. It left me stunned after a few seconds of the catch. A few minutes later, the arrowana swam away with grace like nothing has happened...

Now I know the arrow is not starving.

... I want it to catch another guppy :hyper: :hyper: :hyper:
i also have an arrow
yup its fun to watch it prey on a feeder
since its eating im guessing u dont have to worry
it you plan to keep it, u better start thinking about a bigger tank
that 20 gal is only gonna hold it for long

I just saw my arowana catch a preggy guppy! The catch was so fast and quick with deft. It left me stunned after a few seconds of the catch. A few minutes later, the arrowana swam away with grace like nothing has happened...

Now I know the arrow is not starving.

... I want it to catch another guppy :hyper: :hyper: :hyper:
ive just got ma arowana and cannotwait to feed it guppys when it grows to the right size
do you just keeep guppys in thier along with it like around 20 for consatnt food if it wants it
i have a silver arowana hes about 2 foot and a bit long now and lives in a 7x2x2 foot tank.i think anything smaller then this would be cruel as they love doing laps of their tank and as they get bigger they need a rather wide tank for them to turn in.

when i comes to food u dont want your arowana to be come dependent on live food as it will stop eating anything but live food and that costs alot if ur having to buy feeders(also feeders are normal poor quality can can have who knows what wrong with them)
you should be able to buy floating sticks specialy made for fish like arowanas or chiclid pellets might do the trick.also get some frozen shrimp from the supermarket and feed them to the arowana(make sure not fozen) if they sink dont worrie the fish will soon learn to go get them off the bottem,also frozen mussles work well just chop off the grissely bits and chop up small enough for the fish to swollow.

with feeding such high fat foods u need to keep the tank clean and do regular water changes but u probaly allready know this.we find running 2 canerster filters and doing a 20% water change each week works realy well and we have a pleco that help put up all the scrpas so they dont rot...after feeding it helps to take out any food the arowana does not eat so then its lass work for later ok.

hope that helps a bit..also it will eat anything it can fit in its mouth and it has a huge mouth :)
pm if u need any more first hand help
Get that young arowana some crickets... he'd love 'em! I have a young one as well (3") as I had recently lost my old one to a bad batch of feeders :/ ... Anyways, I feed my young one crickets, guppies, freeze-dried mealworms, and frozen bloodworms. Most of all these he takes right from my fingers!! :D
I suppose having guppies in there at all times isn't a bad idea, but I couldn't tell you for sure, as my arrowana is housed with other guppy-destroyers, and the guppies wouldn't make it 20 seconds.

~ Wonderboy!
i have a silver arowana hes about 2 foot and a bit long now and lives in a 7x2x2 foot tank.i think anything smaller then this would be cruel as they love doing laps of their tank and as they get bigger they need a rather wide tank for them to turn in.

when i comes to food u dont want your arowana to be come dependent on live food as it will stop eating anything but live food and that costs alot if ur having to buy feeders(also feeders are normal poor quality can can have who knows what wrong with them)
you should be able to buy floating sticks specialy made for fish like arowanas or chiclid pellets might do the trick.also get some frozen shrimp from the supermarket and feed them to the arowana(make sure not fozen) if they sink dont worrie the fish will soon learn to go get them off the bottem,also frozen mussles work well just chop off the grissely bits and chop up small enough for the fish to swollow.

with feeding such high fat foods u need to keep the tank clean and do regular water changes but u probaly allready know this.we find running 2 canerster filters and doing a 20% water change each week works realy well and we have a pleco that help put up all the scrpas so they dont rot...after feeding it helps to take out any food the arowana does not eat so then its lass work for later ok.

hope that helps a bit..also it will eat anything it can fit in its mouth and it has a huge mouth :)
pm if u need any more first hand help

leave the shrimp frozen just brake it up into small bits you dont want the aro doing down to eat food from the tank base it will get drop eye which just makes the fish look dam ugly

all aros will eat meal worms and you dont want the aro eatting feeders all the time whats the point

a 20 gal tank is a joke for a aro of any size even a 7x2x2ft tank is way to small for a silver aro which will grow to 3ft+ a silver aro needs a tank thats at least 30inch wide and 7ft long 3ft wide would be better

if you only have a 20g tank would worrie more about get the new tank set up now for him as aros grow at 1-2inch per month
leave the shrimp frozen just brake it up into small bits you dont want the aro doing down to eat food from the tank base it will get drop eye which just makes the fish look dam ugly

all aros will eat meal worms and you dont want the aro eatting feeders all the time whats the point

a 20 gal tank is a joke for a aro of any size even a 7x2x2ft tank is way to small for a silver aro which will grow to 3ft+ a silver aro needs a tank thats at least 30inch wide and 7ft long 3ft wide would be better

if you only have a 20g tank would worrie more about get the new tank set up now for him as aros grow at 1-2inch per month

Careful attacking the kid, he's only asking us how to take care of it with what he's got for now. After all, he wasn't planning on really putting an arowana in a 20. It was his dad's surprise mistake. So relax, and just tell him what he can do rather than tell him how wrong he is.

~ Wonderboy!

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