

Mar 31, 2004
Reaction score
Wiltshire, UK
Ok. I know you are going to shout that this should be posted in Tropical Fish Emergencies but I thought that the specialist knowledge that lies in this forum might help me more.

I best explain.... Bruce, my male bristlenose, has turned down all offers of a comfortable home that I have offered him so far in terms of black pvc pipe of different sizes and this has now proven to be a blessing as he lives on a piece of bogwood where I can see him. I have just given the whole tank one of my 'looking-overs' and noticed that Bruce has a very thin patch of what looks like white mould on his left hand side up by his gills/fin. I have tried to rub it off (very gently) as he stayed still when I attempted this and allowed me to touch him. He is quite able to swim extra though. I must tress that the grey/white patch is small and the 'mould' is a very thin layer - you have to look across the fish rather than at it to see it (like looking at the fine hairs on the back of your hand).
I thought if I posted this in the Emergencies forum that they would all just shout "finrot" or "body fungus" or "cotton wool disease" or something without really knowing but do these things affect bristlenoses???

Can anyone shed some light on this please and advise on this please :/
Cavafish said:
I thought if I posted this in the Emergencies forum that they would all just shout "finrot" or "body fungus" or "cotton wool disease" or something
Many plecs are prone cotton-wool, gillrot & bodyrot. We've found that once they have it, it's darn hard to clear. We recently lost our coffee & cream plec to it. :(

Get a general fungal medication and treat the whole tank as soon as possible.

Some melafix wouldn't hurt either.
that sucks.
Its slowly eats away at their skin, i have had in numerous times, all of which have died. Sorry to not putting any light in this situation, but not many get healed.
Malachite green would do it.

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