
a minimum tank size for a silver arow to live comfortably is preferably a 6x3x3 but longer is better, as they are fairly flexiable unlike other fish such as a pangasius cat or red tail catfish so their tank does not have to be as wide as they are. Silver arows are usually peacfull, ive had 3 all live in harmony with fish easiy enough for them to eat. Jardinis have a bad reputation to go agro after the reach 8", but there are occasion like CFC where they will live with other tank mates.
Hope this helps :)
Cane is it me or is their alot of people joining this forum and making stories up about tanks and fish? :/
Ive re-read this topic and realised my comment should not be aimed at fate but it seems to be true of other members.
ok the tanks the same Width and hight of a 75gallon (I measure my one at my dads office but forgot the measurements :( ) anyways, it's also 6ft long... so it may or may not hold a bit more than 125gallons... I've got 2 Clown knives, not BGK... if I said that sorry thinking of wrong fish :lol: stupid me :p ya so the biggest ones around the same size as Arrow...(the silver arowana... yeah I know what a terrible name :lol: couldn't think of anything better...) so that's like 4-5"... mabye 6"... don't know though... ya so... :lol: any ideas for names of my arowana or clown knives? I've got arrow for the arowana, but it needs a better name :lol: and I was thinking of Klide for the biggest clown knife and Zeek for the smaller one (about 3-4")
ok the tanks the same Width and hight of a 75gallon (I measure my one at my dads office but forgot the measurements :( ) anyways, it's also 6ft long... so it may or may not hold a bit more than 125gallons... I've got 2 Clown knives, not BGK... if I said that sorry thinking of wrong fish :lol: stupid me :p ya so the biggest ones around the same size as Arrow...(the silver arowana... yeah I know what a terrible name :lol: couldn't think of anything better...) so that's like 4-5"... mabye 6"... don't know though... ya so... :lol: any ideas for names of my arowana or clown knives? I've got arrow for the arowana, but it needs a better name :lol: and I was thinking of Klide for the biggest clown knife and Zeek for the smaller one (about 3-4")

Can you give me the exact measurements for the long, width and height of the tank please? It should be an easy task to measure the tank, i can give you the exact gallons and litre's in both US and UK gallons. The exact dimensions and gallons of the tank is very important as arrowana's are large and active growing fish and every bit of space counts- if its not a large enough tank, you will need to rehome the arrowana at some point or get a larger tank for it.
yeah get your tape measure out and while your at it get your camera out too i wanna see some pics :D
BAHHH Net's down at home... don't got the mesurements on me :( plus I think my tank has a hair line crack on it somewhere... it seems to be losing alot of water fast (like 2-3" per week!) and yeah there is some water on the floor around it... I've got an empty 55 gallon... would that be fine to house my guys in while I straighten out the tank issues? (if there even is one!)...
BAHHH Net's down at home... don't got the mesurements on me :( plus I think my tank has a hair line crack on it somewhere... it seems to be losing alot of water fast (like 2-3" per week!) and yeah there is some water on the floor around it... I've got an empty 55 gallon... would that be fine to house my guys in while I straighten out the tank issues? (if there even is one!)...

If its got a crack in it then thats dangerous, the crack could easily spread and break very easily at any point. When i first started out in fish keeping i had a small 10gal on a window sill, one day i noticed a small crack in it and the next day it had become huge and the tank was leaking out water at an alarming rate. The tank cracked because the window sill was not an even surface.

Is the tank on a perfectly flat and level surface? If not this would explain the crack. You should get the fish out of there, put them in the 55gal, empty out the old tank and throw it away or replace the cracked panel (i'd only advise this though if you really know what what you are doing) and then get a new tank ASAP.
Keeping the cracked tank is not worth it, as one day you could wake up to find water all over the floor and the fish flopping around the bottom of the tank in a couple of inches of water. Plus the constant leaking is not good for the floor, especially if it is wooden floor boards, it could cause damp rot in them.
Ya the stand was apparently unleveled... but my LFS which my friend runs and owns is buying the tank and stand back for $250 and they're gunna replace the pain of glass and use it as a display tank... I've only got enough cash right now for a 110gallon unfortunatly and I'm buying it tomorrow(sunday) or next weekend... for now my guys are nice and happy in the 55gallon (well as happy as they can be from going from a big home to an apartment :lol:)

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