Arowana Problem

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Even if you are not intending to keep this fish, you should try to do the responsable thing and attend to the fish's basic needs like giving it enough room, arowanas are very active and strong fish and it will not be happy in a 3ft tank whatever you do to it, the fact that it appears to have health problems is already an indication that the enviroment is not good for this fish.
Big fish= Big tanks. If your tanks are overstocked or do not have enough length/width/height in the tanks for the fish you are keeping, you should avoid keeping the fish in the first place. I am not judging you, i am just trying to explain why your current actions are wrong.
Anyways, you seem to be making an effort to try and understand your arowana, but of all fish, you must understand these fish should be treated very well if not only because they are very rare in the wild now days and are in limited supply.

Do the lumps have any texture to them like they are cottony or slimey or red and inflamed/sore looking etc? How large are the lumps and how long have they been around and what and how much do you feed the arrowana? Where are the lumps on the fish's body and are there any other symtoms, behavioral or physical, that the fish is displaying like torn fins, lack of activity or interest in food, gasping at the surface etc?

Even if you are intending to sell the arowana, it will be worth little if it is in poor health.
it is in perfect health always active and feeding on prawns worms bloodworms pellets

Yah but you said at the beginning of this thread "hi why does my arowanas eye slant down and why does he have white lumps in his tail fin", which to me at least, was an indication you were concerned about issues with your arowanas health? And now you say it is in perfect health and has never had any issues :huh: ?
i just wondered why
But evidently don't give a damn about the health of fish you plan to sell when they outgrow your tank (which they already have).
Ok ban me if you want

It has drop eye because you are an insensitiive moron who really doesn't give a rats butt about the quality of care for this fish and as stated you'd get a lot more for a healthy specimen than one with dropeye and god knows what else My suggestion to you is find a new hobby preferably one not involving living objects-Anne
no fear of getting banned from here beblondie, well said :thumbs:
nah they wont ban you they will just monitor your posts and not put them on the boad for 12-24hrs like mine

if you think you will ever make money on any large fish you are crazy big fish are hard to sell as everyone wants small fish to grow on
Does the white lumps on the tail look like a cauliflower.
right the eyes are natural. lots and lots of silvers get it, its one of those things.

one of the reasons as stated is diet and looking down for food in the tank, you carnt do nowt about it in a silver and whats the point trying to?
in the wild the water is dirty as aro`s carnt see no were else but upat the surface, if food sinks to the bottom in the wild its gone as you carnt see 10" infront of you inthe diryt water.

now, the tank is to small. if you are going to sell the aro do it now. if you carnt buy a bigger tank then please dont buy another one, it is not right and you should not do it. the aro will grow bigger than the tank it is in and you will stunt its growth and cause it serious health problems if you try to grow it much bigger in the tank it is in.

as for these so called TEA CUP RAYS, how i hate that. these rays are not tea cup rays there is no such thing as a TEA CUP RAY!!!!. teacup ray is a daft name fish shop give them as they dont know what type of ray they are its a common name all baby rays are given if the shops are to lazy to find out what type of raqy it reaslly is. they could be retic`s, obigny, hystrix, laterceps and a few other that i carnt remember off the top of my head. if you have the smallest type of ray which is the true latercepts then you are still looking at a 12" disc minimum and its very unlikley you have the true latercepts as there hasent been any around for years. so i 99.99% certain you have retic`s the most common rays around, these will get to 14" disc size. have you ever seen an adult ray? you will be suprised im telling you a 14" ray is MASSIVE.

so your tank is even to small for the smallest of the smallest of rays. if i was you ide go buy a bigger tank and if you carnt sell the fish you have and buy some neons and guppies there about all that tank is the right size for.
sorry for stating the obvious discusdan, but your a complete idiot :nod:
you have a fish which can grow to up to a meter long, in a 180liter tank....are you insane? it is already apparent that you are causing it problems by it getting drop eye and you still think it is "fine" if it was in "perfect health" it wouldnt have the condition in the first place and it wouldnt have lumps on its fins. you also have rays!! i have the same tank size as you and i wouldnt even put a silver dollar in it (20cm) but you have rays which grow to 25cm in diameter in it!! they will only have twice their body area to swim around in, they should be kept in tanks of 180gallons not litres :no: you sir, are a very irresponsible person

to the mods: my concern in this thread is more about the quality of living provided for these creatures than my being unbanned, like beblondie i hope i am not banned for this post but i mean every word. :/
the aro may be stunted from the small tank but rays dont get stunted they will have the edges of the disks curled up the sides of the tank
Sounds like someone is trolling to me. :no:

Discusdan if you knew you weren't going to take the advice people are giving you unless they said what you wanted to hear then you shouldn't have said anything. If you were planning on slowly killing these fish then don't tell us, we don't want to know. So I hope this forum either bans you or suspends you and tell you that if you start trolling again that they will ban you. :no:
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