A 3 foot silver arowana is pretty much full grown and definately a mature adult.
There are 6 species of arowana, two from the Osteoglossum genus (bicirrhosum and ferreirai) which hail from South America, three from the Scleropages genus (formosus, jardini and leichardtii) which the former hails from Asia and the latter two hail from Australia and the very rare Heterotis niloticus from Africa. All 6 species will grow to at least 2 feet but the Scleropages arowana's usually dont grow much larger than this which means they can be kept in a minimum of a 180g tank, though obviously bigger would be better. Black arowana's (O.ferreirai) usually dont esceed 2 feet in captivity either but do have the potential to reach 40 inches so should be given a minimum of a 240g tank.