Armoured Shrimp Is Shy


May 5, 2006
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Hi all :D

We have an armoured shrimp but he hides all the time. Is there anything we can do to encourage him to come out? I know they like a good flow and we have good flow all through our tank with 2 Rena Xp3's, an air stone and a small internal filter. He seems to have found a hidey hole under some wood where we can only see his filter fan hands.

Any suggestions on how to coax this guy out? Someone else has just posted a pic of their armoured shrimp and he is sitting out in the open happy as larry so they can't all be shy!
Well I think, they will just sit there, it would have no reason to move if there is current, is food will come on the current so he won't have to move.

Sorry Bex, I can't think of why it'd need to come out, so it probably won't :/
Damn! Never mind, cheers anyway JayJay :D

Suppose they're not like other fish where you can tempt them out with meaty foods or veg. Will have to wait for him to grow cos he won't fit into his current hidey hole when he gets bigger. Hopefully he'll get too big for it and will sit where we can see him. Maybe he'll be a bit braver when he's bigger too :lol:
Hi, I have two armoured shrimps, they move around the tank quite alot. But it did take a month for them to settle and for them to get used to there tank mates. Also they will hide alot if they are shedding their shell.
How long have you had them? How long do you leave your light on for?
I think remember reading they are mainly night active?

There was a good article in pfk about filter shrimp a while back, I don't think I still have the magazine though, anyone else remember?

I have 3 bamboo shrimp and they spend the day in the filter flow, occasionally switching places and clambering over each other. During the night they do pretty much the same thing.

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