Armoured Shrimp/crayfish!


New Member
Dec 12, 2006
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I have seen "armoured shrimp" or (crayfish) is its the same thing, and my new tank has been cycling for
4 days now, i was wondering if i could buy these little beasties today, (its a 45gal or 180litre)
vision 180, now im also wondering, i got a pot from my back garden, a plant pot, washed it out really well
and that, and put it in, but i dont think its made of terracotta, its clay i think! (will that effect the water?)

will crayfish go with a bristlenose catfish (later in the year)

I have seen "armoured shrimp" or (crayfish) is its the same thing, and my new tank has been cycling for
4 days now, i was wondering if i could buy these little beasties today, (its a 45gal or 180litre)
vision 180, now im also wondering, i got a pot from my back garden, a plant pot, washed it out really well
and that, and put it in, but i dont think its made of terracotta, its clay i think! (will that effect the water?)

will crayfish go with a bristlenose catfish (later in the year)


I would be asking this question over in the invertibrates section, I've read some horror stories over there about long arm shrimp and crayfish attacking everything in their path :lol: If your tank has only been cycling for 4 days I wouldn't have thought it would be ready to add anything yet though? How have you cycled?
i have set everything up, added tap-safe and added bacteria!
I have seen "armoured shrimp" or (crayfish) is its the same thing, and my new tank has been cycling for
4 days now, i was wondering if i could buy these little beasties today, (its a 45gal or 180litre)
vision 180, now im also wondering, i got a pot from my back garden, a plant pot, washed it out really well
and that, and put it in, but i dont think its made of terracotta, its clay i think! (will that effect the water?)

will crayfish go with a bristlenose catfish (later in the year)

im afraid your tank is a bit young to be adding a Cray, though if you are keeping it on its own, in a week or too when your cycle is finished, it will be fine. there are armoured shrimp, though. the African vampire shrimp, grow to 8" or more, and are filter feeders. however i would wait till your tank is more mature, before adding anything more than hardy fish.

terracotta pots are fine, though i would use new ones, to be safe.

as for the bristlenose being safe with a Cray? that will be up to the personality of the Cray in question. mine is perfectly happy in a community, but the community was mature when the Cray was added. i have posted the method i use to judge, if and when to add a Cray to your tank. give us a shout if you need anything cleared up.
i "think" its clay
its pink! :/

when i said cray/armoured shrimp, i thought they were the same thing, the place im going to has armoured shrimp!!
i "think" its clay
its pink! :/

when i said cray/armoured shrimp, i thought they were the same thing, the place im going to has armoured shrimp!!

You shouldn't put armoured shrimp in a tank less than 6months mature as they are filter feeders that rely on an adundance of micro organisms in the water to feed on- these micro organisms take months to grow in decent numbers in an aquarium.
If you put the shrimp in the tank as it is, it is very likely it will slowly starve in there or die from unstable water quality conditions (armoured shrimp are very sensitive to water quality, which is also why they need a mature tank to live in).

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