Argh Please Help


New Member
Feb 15, 2009
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argh! ok i posted this about my platy a few weeks ago:;#entry2361796
well about a week after that another of my platys started doing the same thing, but just not as much. she still swam round but rested for half to time, usually next to my other fish.
well today, she started to look like she was giving birth, or 'pushing' but shes not pregnant. she looks a little chubby, but theres no gravid spot. so i was watching her, and something transparent/white started coming out of her, like what my other fish had. it didnt come all the way out, just peeked. well unfortunatly i had to rush to work, but when i came back she was dead.
she looked bent when she was dead, and her mouth was wide open as though she was gasping. her 'anus' or birth canal or whatever it is looked open.

could this be constipation??

if its something more sinister i need to know fast to save my other fish.

ph: 7.8
nitrites: 0
nitrates: v. low
i thought it was likely to be worms or parasites, but whenever i read about them it says the fish will be skinny. mine are fat :S
Signs of internal parasites are.
Long stringy white poo, clear mucas poo. red poo.
Worms prutruding from the anus.
Enlarged anus or red inflamed anus.
Fish will look skinny or bloated.
Bent spine sometimes.
Sunken in belly.
Fish will sometimes swim on its side.
alright, i should probably get some medication. if i can't find the medication you showed me, what should I be looking out for? would it be internal parasite medication or specifically worm medication?

thanks wilder
What's your location?
Its no good for internal parsites like camallanous worms.
I tread the waterlife med in the past and it never did a thing.
Pm colin t as he's from australia and will no what meds are available.
I have a few pictures of my fat platty, theyre not very good as she's pretty camera shy!



and here's my other two girls:





they are looking pretty fat too :blink:

i feed them once a day, been feeding them peas but only the teenage platy (pink + spotty) eats them
Signs of internal parasites are.
Long stringy white poo, clear mucas poo. red poo.
Worms prutruding from the anus.
Enlarged anus or red inflamed anus.
Fish will look skinny or bloated.
Bent spine sometimes.
Sunken in belly.
Fish will sometimes swim on its side.

Is there a general medication that can be used to treat symptoms as mentioned.. my symptoms are stringy white/clear poo, fish looking skinny/slightly sunken belly.

Is there a general medication that can be used to treat symptoms as mentioned.. my symptoms are stringy white/clear poo, fish looking skinny/slightly sunken belly.

What's your location?
don't know if u can tell, but do they look like they have a problem? i don't want my teen platy to die :(
Is there a general medication that can be used to treat symptoms as mentioned.. my symptoms are stringy white/clear poo, fish looking skinny/slightly sunken belly.

What's your location?

U.K, Yorkshire

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