Fish Fanatic
After agreeing with myself that i would only buy 2 Dwarf Puffers for my 8.5 gal, i went to go and buy some and they seemed SO small, i was kinda wondering if maybe 2 was not enough, it seemed like it was a bit of a waste of a tank, soo i asked the guy how many i could get in there, and he said 6. i was thinking that seemed reasonable, and there were 6 for a tenner, so i got back to the house and released them, kept the light off and then turned it on the next morning, and they all seem to be getting on quite well, but i feel like such a goon for going along with that guy ! at the moment they are only like say 1 cm long and there are no signs of aggression to each other, what can i do? will they be ok untill they grow up? please some advice, no flaming, i realise my mistake lol.
Cheers Sam
Cheers Sam