Aren't Bristle Nose Catfish The Best!



I got a BN last week. He/She/it is gorgeous! I just put a piece of zucchini in the tank and it's gone nuts for it! He/She/It's too cute for words :wub:
Yes, aren't they just? I've got tankfuls of them, as mine bred, and I just love them. They are so funny, and the fry are so cute. I felt quite bereaved when I had to take a load to the lfs, though common sense does tell me that I cannot house over 30 grown-up bristlenoses in 5 tanks. They're just lovely fish!
Mine is my fave fish in my tank.

Love him to death.

My hubby has a very soft spot for him too and he is definitly the cutest when he is eating his cucumber.
We have 2, a Brown Male and a Golden Female :)
I just bought a large, well fed albino girl for my smaller, near mature male. He's in a 55g with three others (two females and another male all juvenile) for a total of 5. I'm going to be moving one or more of them once they get bigger, especially if my adults pair off and do what nature intends. I've already got plans for more of them too (and not just bristlenoses). :lol:
When feeding the cucumber how do get it to sink? I've seen some folks tie it to a rock - others use a side veggie clip - anyone have any other suggestions?
When feeding the cucumber how do get it to sink? I've seen some folks tie it to a rock - others use a side veggie clip - anyone have any other suggestions?

Dont bother with Cucumber, there is no nutritian in it what so ever, you would be better with Courgette or Sweet Potato.
My albino BN really loves spinach, I put a few leaves in a clip, he hides upside-down under the biggest leaf and chomps away under the noses of my loaches who also go mad for spinach. So funny to watch.
When feeding the cucumber how do get it to sink? I've seen some folks tie it to a rock - others use a side veggie clip - anyone have any other suggestions?

Stick a spoon through it. Or if using smaller pieces, plant lead works too :)

I agree though, courgette is much more nutritious for them. Cucumber's all water ;)

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