Are You Sure?

What about a mirror?  Then he can "flare" at himself all day.  :lol:
eaglesaquarium said:
What about a mirror?  Then he can "flare" at himself all day.  :lol:
Mirror training is great as exercise, so your male betta doesn't go "limp noodle", but truthfully it stresses them out, if they're constantly flaring.
More suitable as a betta photography tool.
As he is still new he is still getting to know his new kingdom. Him chewing on the Cabomba is probably just him learning. Later as he has gotten used to his new tank you could switch up his decor now and then. I find they enjoy that and that it is stimulating. If he has some wood to swim under, some caves to explore, plants to swim through or rest on and such that should make things interesting for him.
As for feeding, our Bettas (this one and the one before him) both were/are in a community tank where I feed different foods for different types of fish, and none of my Bettas has ever over-eaten or had any digestion issues that I was aware of. I watch them eat so I can see that everyone has gotten a share. Once a week is a fasting day, and once a week they get frozen bloodworms, which they all go crazy over. 
I have a feeding cone that can be attached to the side of the tank with a suction cup. I tried putting the bloodworms in there in the beginning. One time I had left it sitting empty there for a while and our Betta started swimming inside the cone, lol! Possibly he was looking for more bloodworms, but I think he was just goofing around! :)
I can imagine a ping pong ball being a great source of entertainment, probably not just for the Betta but for you as well, watching him with it.
Hmmm, our Betta might like a pong pong ball as well..... :)
Dominus_XVIII said:
What about a mirror?  Then he can "flare" at himself all day. 
Mirror training is great as exercise, so your male betta doesn't go "limp noodle", but truthfully it stresses them out, if they're constantly flaring.
More suitable as a betta photography tool.
That's why I used the "?" ;)  I've never kept a betta, but I keep thinking about it.  I think I'll be caught by the "betta bug" soon.
eaglesaquarium said:
That's why I used the "?"
  I've never kept a betta, but I keep thinking about it.  I think I'll be caught by the "betta bug" soon.
Ohhh - get vaccinated now or you'll be infected for life!!! lol
eaglesaquarium said:
That's why I used the "?" ;)  I've never kept a betta, but I keep thinking about it.  I think I'll be caught by the "betta bug" soon.
By the time you think you caught the "betta bug", it will already be too late lol! I refer to it as "betta fever" though haha. Keeping bettas is also addictive.
I think I'm sick. I think I've got that Betta fever!
Went to the store to get some dog food, they had Bettas, oh, so many beautiful Bettas, I really, really want to get another Betta.....sniff. I only allowed myself a quick look, there was a small bright red (halfmoon?), there was a pretty purpley with blue one, and there was this cute little female one that had a cream-yellow body with red fins......I think I need a female Betta.......just need to convince hubby too! :) 
Ply him with Yorkshire pudding until he says yes, Meeresstille! lol
Mamashack said:
Ply him with Yorkshire pudding until he says yes, Meeresstille! lol
Now that's a great idea! You have experience with this? lol
PrairieSunflower said:
If you have the room then obviously you need that fish.
Ha ha, Prairie Sunflower, I like the way you think! I can always get that biorb that I have in mind later, and keep her in the 5 gallon on my side table for now.......oh.......a plan is forming....I'll probably be blaming you all for having a part in this...and be claiming temporary  
 (the biorb could go in hubby's study once he is finished renovating it and has set up in there.....ya ya  

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