Are You Allergic To Bloodworm?

Just a foreign protein. Similarly, when a mosquito bites you, it injects some salive to help it suction off your blood. Your body reacts to the foreign proteins by releasing histamine which causes the itching and swelling. SH
How absolutely fascinating - although not for you guys that suffer the reactions :/ I would also be extremely interested to find out what substance causes the reaction, because although I am extremeley allergic to mosquito bites, neither the dried nor the live/frozen bloodworm have ever had any noticeable effect on me.
I am pretty much allergic to everything under the sun, but fortunately, not bloodworms, well, frozen ones anyhow, I've never used freeze dried ones :lol: What I aren't allergic to, I am immune to, such as certain medications including ones for asthma - luckily I don't get it much anymore, local anesthetic, headache tablets and a few others.

In general though, I often break out in rashes and itches due to being around chemicals, etc so I know how you feel, sucks doesn't it? :lol:
you are all so unlucky! My fish LOVE bloodworm, I don't know what I would do without it! Especially seeing as my fire eel ONLY eats bloodworm, no exception! I think that gloves should be fine but can't understand why you would get spot on stomache etc.
Especially seeing as my fire eel ONLY eats bloodworm, no exception!

Have you tried Hikari sinking carnivore pellets? The seem to work wonders for feeding eels. Also earthworms sink and Ive never seen an eel not take live earthworm.
Thanks for advice, I havn't tried carnivore pellets and I will make sure to buy some this weekend. I have however tried worms etc. with no success.
I think this would make a good pole. I am not allergic to bloodworms and when I read on the box that it can cause irritation I was wondering how many people had a problem with it. Has it been done before? A pole on whos allergic to bloodworms?
I think this would make a good pole. I am not allergic to bloodworms and when I read on the box that it can cause irritation I was wondering how many people had a problem with it. Has it been done before? A pole on whos allergic to bloodworms?

Go for it!!

I just today purchased frozen bloodworm for the first time. Thanks to this thread, I won't take any chances. I have so many allergies, I am likely allergic to bloodworms!! Now I know to be extra careful, just in case. Thanks!

By the way, there is no such warning on the packaging.
I just today purchased frozen bloodworm for the first time. Thanks to this thread, I won't take any chances. I have so many allergies, I am likely allergic to bloodworms!! Now I know to be extra careful, just in case. Thanks!

By the way, there is no such warning on the packaging.

Chances are, if you are allergic to mosquitos, you'll be allergic to bloodworms, because I guess they're just mosquito larvae. But I could be wrong. I'm allergic to both. :dunno:

A poll would be cool.
Nah, I'm mildly allergic to mosquito bites, but not bloodworms. I get the itchy red bump when bitten like most people :p
Last night my son fed my fish for me and gave them the bloodworms (live) that he had bought on his way over to see me. Within an hour his eyes were red and streaming and his lips were swollen. About 30mins after that he had white bumps under his eyes. After feeding the fish he washed his hands as usual. He has phoned me this morning and he says that he looks better but some swelling remains. I often use these bloodworms but have never had a reaction from them.
I dont believe that they are mosquito larvae, we get them in our waterbutts and know them as squidly diddlys. They have a distinct head and sit in the water tail up, when you approach the butt they wriggle down to the bottom. I may of course be wrong but this is what I have always believed.
Yes, you are describing the larvae that I always see when I leave water standing in my back yard. I feel pretty sure they are mosquitos. The bloodworms I feed my fish look nothing like them.
It's nice to see I'm not the only one that's having an issue with this. Today was my first time feeding myy fish blood worms as I just got them today. I wasn't sure if it was the blood worms or shrimp pellets for my cory cat, but I'm starting to think it's the first. In 15 minutes, my face started itching like crazy and my eye was almost swollen shut. Looked like I pressed my face against a cheese grater.

I just today purchased frozen bloodworm for the first time. Thanks to this thread, I won't take any chances. I have so many allergies, I am likely allergic to bloodworms!! Now I know to be extra careful, just in case. Thanks!

By the way, there is no such warning on the packaging.

Chances are, if you are allergic to mosquitos, you'll be allergic to bloodworms, because I guess they're just mosquito larvae. But I could be wrong. I'm allergic to both. :dunno:

A poll would be cool.

Wow, it makes sense for me now too! I'm allergic to mosquitos.. Thanks for adding that in. I'm glad to find some answers.
Bloodworm is one thing I'm NOT allergic to, never considered people might be allergic to it!!

That said, I am allergic to fish :blink: nothing like a job with a bit of the risk factor!

I have had a few problems over the years, it started with just problems eating fish and seafood and over time with exposure, its actually getting worse. Been stabbed in the fingers by the likes of pictus catfish or syno and it left itsskin from its fin in my finger and within minutes i was sweating and dizzy and projectile vomiting. No idea why im sick even if i didnt eat it lol.

But about a year ago i got stung on my right hand twice by something in a marine tank and ended up very ill in A+E (ER for Americans) and now I cant even handly frozen krill or mysis or brineshrimp etc.

But its really weird lol, handling seafoods with my left hand... i have about 4-5 minutes before my hands noticeable swollen so my finger dont bend. But with my right hand i have less than a minute before my hand is swelling right up to my elbow.

Reactions now involve a really tight chest and throat. Its just been getting worse, not better.

Bloodworm are just red mosquito larvae, there are lots of different species of mosquito remember, their larvae will all look different...

Most reactions
