Are You A Betta Breeder?


Sep 3, 2005
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If so please tell me how much you charge for female bettas. Tail types doesn't matter.
Depending on the female, I charge between 2 to 10 bucks, plus the shipping. After I've sold what I can, sometimes I give females away but for the cost of shipping.
Well when they get old enough and if I haven't already got the females from Styx when she PM's me back I'll let you know if I'd need it.
Well, when I breed in about two weeks, and my spawn is succesful, I'll send you some. Plakats and veiltails.
Well, when I breed in about two weeks, and my spawn is succesful, I'll send you some. Plakats and veiltails.

I'm assuming your parents either both veil tails that carry that are homozygous for the plakat gene or one is a plakat, and the other one is homozygous for plakat?
I think you mean heterozygous....that's the word for when they carry two different alleles at the same genetic location on a chromosome.


Well, when I breed in about two weeks, and my spawn is succesful, I'll send you some. Plakats and veiltails.

I'm assuming your parents either both veil tails that carry that are homozygous for the plakat gene or one is a plakat, and the other one is homozygous for plakat?
I have a bunch of very cute girls, for $10-15. Super Deltas with HM geno or HM, all are either solid green or green marble. ;) PM me if you're interested! I'll probably have an adoption thread up sometime.
Well, when I breed in about two weeks, and my spawn is succesful, I'll send you some. Plakats and veiltails.

I'm assuming your parents either both veil tails that carry that are homozygous for the plakat gene or one is a plakat, and the other one is homozygous for plakat?
Ok, I wasn't specific enough. The spawns are the following:
100% VT, DT geno (Mom: Plakat, Dad: Double Tail VT)
25% Plakat, DT geno (Mom: Plakat, DT Geno, Dad: Plakat)
75% Plakat (Mom: Plakat, DT Geno, Dad: Plakat)

I'm not charging high prices for them. That is if my bettas do breed. I'd charge:
$1.75 (Plus shipping) for Plakat, DT Geno
$1.50 (Plus Shipping) for Plakat
$1.25 (Plus Shipping) for VT DT Geno
What colors would they be and how long before you can sell them if you have a succesful spawn?
Here, I'll just take all that stuff directly from my site.
Hello, and welcome to the Betta Land Stock Shop! We currently have no bettas at the moment, but we will have two spawns set up some time between Jan. and Feb. 2006. Both spawns should be quite good. If you like STPK (Single Tail Plakats), your in luck. That will be one of our spawns! Now, the other will be a VT (VT means Veil Tail, aka, the types of bettas you see at WalMart). As you can see, we have already got the prices up (you can see them at the top of the page). Now, the colors of the Single Tail, 50% DT geno Spawn is as follows (Remember, these are just probabilities):

Green/ Copper:.........25%
Copper/ Red:............25%
Green/ Red:..............25%

Though remember, there are always those few odd ball fry who come out different colors. For all those who actually wish to breed these, they will be Single Tail Plakat, and 50% of them will have the DT gene.

Now, how many of these will be Plakat?

Single Tail Plakat:..................50%
Single Tail Plakat DT geno:......50%

Now, for Spawn #2.

Color Statistics:
White/ Platinum:.................25%
White/ Copper:...................25%
Yellow/ Platinum:................25%
Yellow/ Copper:..................25%

Tail Type Statistics:
Veil Tail DT geno:.....................100%

I'd say they'd be ready by May/June.
I think you mean heterozygous....that's the word for when they carry two different alleles at the same genetic location on a chromosome.


ACK!!! You're right! I can't beleive I got heterozygous and homozygous mixed... especially after all of the genetics classes i've taken! :crazy:

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