Are you a Betta Breeder or not.

Which one are you?

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  • Breed betta success and more breeding to come.

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I should be getting my CT pair this week. PLanning on breeding them in a few weeks now! Within a month for sure :D
Ive been wanting to breed them for about 7 months and my parents wont let me until this summer. For all I care they could go and *bleep* themselfs. :grr:
Danno said:
Ive been wanting to breed them for about 7 months and my parents wont let me until this summer. For all I care they could go and *bleep* themselfs. :grr:
I'm sure they just want you to be sure you have enough time to take care of them. ;) This way you'll have extra time to research & ask questions before starting :thumbs:
yeevia...sent me an instruction to breed Betta last time...but I think I lost it...wakakakaka.....Frankieeee :byebye:
Nope, haven't yet. Give or take 3 years and i'll have my house with it's fishroom/barracks...*sighs and continues her day dreaming* Only a few more years.
Sandusky said:
Nope, haven't yet. Give or take 3 years and i'll have my house with it's fishroom/barracks...*sighs and continues her day dreaming* Only a few more years.
At least you did think about it and planning in 3 more years. good. :)
As for yossie, he will breed the bettas and feed to his flowerhorns (500 all together). He wants his flowerhorn to looks like betta colors. Am I right? Whats happened to all the apple snails you got from aquabid huh? I remember you get more than 2 dozens. Mine still doing their job cleaning up the tank. :D
I bred my first pair, but the male got a little hungry... Im going to try again though :D
I've had two failed attempts (with fish I got through the IBC betta pals program).

Right now I'm overwhelmed with fry from my platys and wound having to move some of them into the tank I use for breeding the bettas ... so till I get them all traded in at the LFS, I'm stuck. :(

Hopefully this spring I'll have the time/space/money to try again.

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