Are you a Betta Breeder or not.

Which one are you?

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  • Breed betta success and more breeding to come.

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Dec 22, 2004
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Are you a breeder or not? I like to know how many members in each section. :p
I love bettas but don't have the funds/equipment/time for it. Plus I don't think my parents want hundreds of little jars littering the house.

Maybe when I move out, and buy a mansion with a purpose built fish-room. :rolleyes:
I never have, but will actually give it a go this friday. Got a Male and Female Crowntail for this purpose. They have been side by side for a week now and have been eating live and frozen foods (larvae mainly). The female looks bloated and the male already built a bubble nest.
i would like to at some point, but not i the tiny little apartments that i live in...for now i am sticking with livebearers!!
I am hurriedly desgining the barracks for 100 betta's (just in case). I hope I will be needing it in two months :D
yossie_ika said:
never but would like to :rofl:
Your betta look so weird in your ava!!!!!! kakakakaka :lol: :lol: Breed with your indo plakat sure looks good!! :) Betta with horn! Kakakaka :lol: :lol:
Haven't ever, don't really have a desire too either. (although, I won't say never ...because that has a tendency to bite you in the butt alot of times :lol: )

Too much fuss for my likes.

Too much room taken up, too much stress trying to find homes for babies, too much stress to keep them alive, happy, and healthy.

Too much $$ to get parents ready for breeding, too much $$ to buy all the equipment and food for babies, and too much $$ to buy equipment for when they all need seperate housing until they have found new homes.

Not to forget, honestly I think there are plenty to choose from right now anyways .

lol :fun:

Just too much involved for me all around. I'll stick with my moderately-easy keeper seperated males..and soon to be females.

Maybe I'm lazy..or maybe I just enjoy the more simple things in life lol. Who knows... :alien: :whistle:
Well, I messed up my poll vote, but I have breed bettas, though still fairly new to the hobby. I am still breeding, and will continue. Will try to show in the fall this year in Novice. Lots of work, right :lol:
Bettaman, How is your gay betta? Any good news? My Red Chilli sulthasine halfmoon male is better now. He is eating and swim right. He been soak with almond indian leaf water with waters of the world and killing bacteria green stuff. Half of his babies bye bye and only the big one survive. More than 100 inside I guess. Will count them one by one when I take them out. I hate to raise too tiny babies and also have no luck. Oh, the earler batch that I let the male in the tank for 10 days have real good result. The babies are doing very well, big too and they are simmering iridense the whole body like yellow green just like the father! I hope they got mask when they get big. here is the father picture when he I got him.


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