Are They Okay


Fish Crazy
Jan 19, 2007
Reaction score
Michigan, United States
Right now my Cherry Barbs are being treated for Ich. They've been acting kind of wild since I got them last week so I can't really tell if they are stressing out from the treatment or not -_- .

What are common signs of stress in fish?

What behavioral characteristics are common in healthy cherry barbs? Pretty much how do your Cherry Barbs act? :huh:
I'm not sure of cherry barbs characteristics but it may help if you told us exactly what they're doing and what you're using for the ich treatment. :)
And all other important infomations like tank size, tank mate, water parameters, and number of fish.,etc.
I am not barbs keeper but I'm sure if you post those info someone can help you. I know some of the barbs act different depends on the number of their kind as well as the depends on the tankmates.
I have a ten gallon tank with 3 cherry barbs. I've had them for exactly one week. They do alot of things that I think may be related to the ich like:

-swim up and down the glass really fast
-hover in the middle of the tank and do this twitching thing
-stare at there reflections in the side of the tank and them zoom back really fast
-kind of hang around near the substrate and rock back and forth
-they take turns each day either being alone or not eating
-they stay in the corner by the filter and it looks like they are riding the waves

So, i'm pretty sure this is not normal but what do you think?
Hiya what you have described is exactly what my cherry barbs do, they did this when I bought them so I think its just natural behaviour. I have also treaed them for ich recently and the behavior didn't change really apart from hiding for a few days!
Oh. well thanks. They're my first fish and I wasn't really sure what to expect. phil204, how long have you had your fish? Hopefully my fish will me okay and I can stop worrying. :)

Happy Cherry Barb keeping! :fish:
Had them about 4 weeks they're only young about half an inch in size used them to cycle my tank!
Yea, it doesn't sound like anything that out of the ordinary for fish in general.

Adult fish can go a month or two without eating so 1 day isn't anything to worry about and is good for them. I only feed my non-piranha/cichlid fish a maximum of 6 days a week, sometimes 5.

If they are playing in the current, they are probably very healthy. If they were sick they would try to avoid the filter current.

Rocking back and forth on the substrate may also be because of the current? Make sure they have an area of slack water from filters/ph's etc.

Chasing up and down the glass- Very normal for most fish. Probably just play and letting out extra energy. May also do this in the current of the water.

Keep an eye on them and see how their bahaviour differs from time to time but I think you've got some healthy fish from the sounds of it. :)

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