are they boys or girls???


Mar 31, 2004
Reaction score
Wiltshire, UK

I have an angelicus plec. How can I tell if its a boy or a girl??

I have read an article on Planet Catfish website about breeding them but I dont think I have enough 'space' left in my tank for a group of fish to then be able to get a pair. I am going to need to get the right one first time. Even if they dont then pair up and breed I wont be worried but if they do that would be great! :rolleyes:

As I am also seriously considering a bristlenose plec of some sort as well to help keep my algae down (and my plants clean?) I really need some advice also on whether I have the capacity to get two more plecs or should I chose between the two??

Many thanks Cava :fish:
Bristlenose's are just great! they clean everywhere, getting all the algae off!

But theyre only down fall is that all the algae turns into fish poop instead :p.
This what I am hearing from everyone. BRILLIANT. As there are loads of different ones can you recommend a particularily good one? Colours, pattern, appetite, daytime sitings etc?

Cavafish said:
This what I am hearing from everyone. BRILLIANT. As there are loads of different ones can you recommend a particularily good one? Colours, pattern, appetite, daytime sitings etc?

Ive just got the normal birstlenose, and they say plecs are nocternal?! lol well this one has a problem then lol, hes so damn active in the day its unbelievable, really fun to watch, and my tank is covered in algae so hes eating all the time, and doesn't need feeding on any kind of algae wafer at the moment :D.
Thanks Corrosive. Do you have any ideas on stocking levels?? |Could I get a b.nose and an angelicus plec in my setup? I got quite a lotta fish as it is ......
Hiya, ive just had a look at how many fish you already have, and i would av sed that the amount you have is just about rite! depending on planting and such likes.

But your tank sudnt really have more than 4 plecos if their all the bigger kind, as they may get bigger and more territorial in time.

have to say - bet your tank looks great! we have just set up a Rio 400 in our lounge, with florecent pink, and purple gravel, plants, then 6 scissortails, 10 giant danios, and 4 tic toe barbs, but thats cus were still half way thru the cycle! your stocking has given me a great idea of what sort of fish to add! Weve got a 2nd filter unit in there, which we managed to get on ebay, so im hoping i wont have to drown myself in there 2 often to do a gravel clean up, lol. as putting the plants in was bad enough 4 drowning, cus my arms cudnt reach the bottom!
In my opinion i think its sorta mean to keep any sort of plec alone, give it a mate! if your gonna get a bnose get 2. and b4 you know it there will be babies every where :D

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