Fish Crazy
So , I planed on redoing one of my 55 gallon tank and stock it with fish.
Went to go in to clean it one more time and to my horror, there was all these white "things" on the glass. I started to vaccume the gravel one last time and the current with me in there unlodged some of these and they started to swim! They were not swimming per say but kinda wiggling around.
The pic is not the best I admit... but you can see sorta what I am talking about.
I washed my hands and arm with soap and water before I went into another tank to grab one of the heaters.... and this was the last tank I cleaned so the hose to suck out the water now will be air drying now for about a week....
So, what in the world are these things and would it be harmful to put fish in it?
Went to go in to clean it one more time and to my horror, there was all these white "things" on the glass. I started to vaccume the gravel one last time and the current with me in there unlodged some of these and they started to swim! They were not swimming per say but kinda wiggling around.
The pic is not the best I admit... but you can see sorta what I am talking about.
I washed my hands and arm with soap and water before I went into another tank to grab one of the heaters.... and this was the last tank I cleaned so the hose to suck out the water now will be air drying now for about a week....
So, what in the world are these things and would it be harmful to put fish in it?