I am one who believes that most of the specialty supplies for plants in tanks are a waste of time and money for us but not for the manufacturers. I managed to grow everything without anything beyond fine gravel and the mulm built uop in it plus an occasional addition of Jobe's Plant spikes.
I never used a single substrate product except that I mixed some First Layer Laterite in the bottom 1/3 of the gravel. You can Google laterite as well as mulm. I consider both of these things more important than most of the expensive fancy plant products being sold.
I did this in all my planted tanks from low light to the high tech pressurized CO2 added tank. There was nothing I could not grow and which did not thrive in that tank.
I have also used only the Tropica Liquid ferts for about 22 years now. My first bottle of plant ferts was Flourish Excel. I did not use it very long because I discovered the Tropica product. Over the years it has been redesigned and improved and renamed. But Tropica is the worlds leading producer of Aquatic plants for the hobby etc. and if the fert. is good enough for them, it is sure good enough for me.
I feel that there is more stuff sold for planted tanks that is absolutely not needed and is always over priced. I refused to be sucked into the world of these products. Of course there are plenty of people out there who believe the exact opposite. All I know was there were very few plants that would not thrive in my tanks. Below is my CO2 added tank (50 gal.)as it changed over a several years. The substrate is Estes Bits of Walnut an aquarium gravel.
2006-11-06 after a majot replnting.
Btw- I do not vacuum my planted tanks. The above tank did get vacuumed, but it wasn't the substrate I vacuumed, it was the plants. They would catch a lot of the stuff we vacuum out of other tanks. But in the above tanks what made it into the gravel became mulm which in turn became food for the plants with roots in the substrate.