Are These Fish Good With A Male Betta?


Mostly New Member
Mar 19, 2016
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Hey Everyone! So I Have A 55 Gallon Long Tank With Gravel, Hiding Places And Silk Plants. He Is A Red Male Betta, And I Know That They Can't Have Very Vibrant Fish And Nippy Fish. So Are These The Right Amount And The Right Species Of Fish To Go With Him?
20 Neon Tetras
15 Glo Light Tetras
20 Female Guppies
15 Black Neon Tetras
10 Ruby Tetra
That's way too many fish, even for a 55 gallon!
You also have a mixture of hard and soft water fish.
If you could tell us; how long has the tank been set up, whether it's cycled, what fish are in it right now, and whether your water is hard or soft, we can help you better :)
I do not think that tank is suitable for a Betta, Bettas are solitary fish all that activity will stress the Betta out.
Yes, I would forget a Betta in a community aquarium, this is just fraught with risks.  Betta are much better on their own.
We can help with the rest after we have the values fluttermoth mentioned.
Keeping tank mates with a Betta.
Some Bettas are fine with tank mates others are not,  one of 3 things will happen.
1 The Betta will be fine with tank mates.
2 The Betta will freak out and hunt down and kill anything in its tank, and make no mistake it is the Bettas tank.
3 The Betta will become stressed and withdrawn become a victim of bullying and fin nipping, He will hide a lot start fin biting get fin rot and in some cases die.
When considering tank mates for a Betta be prepared to rehouse fish at a moments notice, or fish will die.
My female was fine with tank mates for a while then she snapped and killed 2 Hengeli Rasboras and was stalking a 3rd.
The Tank Has Been Setup For 3 Months, Cycled For Two, No Fish Other Than My Betta, And It Is Soft :)
And I Would Happily Get Him A Different Tank If He Needed It, What Fish Would You Reccomend?
If I Moved The Betta From This Tank To A 30 Litre That Currently Only Has 6 Female Guppies, Could I have 3 Pearl Gourami, 1 Dwarf Gourami, 7 Shrimp And 10 Black Neon Tetras?
fluttermoth said:
That's way too many fish, even for a 55 gallon!
You also have a mixture of hard and soft water fish.
If you could tell us; how long has the tank been set up, whether it's cycled, what fish are in it right now, and whether your water is hard or soft, we can help you better
I agree with the soft and hardwater fish (not sure why anyone would want 25 female guppies anyway) But I don't think that's an excessive amount of small fish for a tank that size. If you added them together they would make up the bulk of a medium size cichlid. (I know this isn't how to calculate capacity but either is the 1inch per gallon)
I read somewhere that this is what someone has in a 55 gallon (like mine)
2 Dwarf Gourami
2 Pearl Gourami
9 Zebra Danios
6 Lemon Tetra
4 Mickey Mouse Platys
3 Peppered Cory Cats
1 Male Betta
5 Ghost Shrimp

So, would this be a good selection of fish? I like the look of them all as well ^_^
I think you should wait to find out what your water properties are before deciding on a stocking list.
2 Dwarf Gourami
2 Pearl Gourami
9 Zebra Danios
6 Lemon Tetra
4 Mickey Mouse Platys
3 Peppered Cory Cats
1 Male Betta
5 Ghost Shrimp
You cant mix Bettas and Gouramis they will fight.
Also in my opinion 2 dwarf and 2 lace Gouramis are a bad mix, Dwarf gouramis can be quite aggressive.
With corys I would use sand.
Thanks guys.
I am thinking either
2 Dwarf Gourami
15 Neon Tetra
9 Zebra Danios
10 Lemon Tetra
4 Platys
3 Peppered Cory Cats
10 Ghost Shrimp


2 Pearl Gourami
9 Zebra Danios
15 Lemon Tetra
4 Platys
3 Peppered Cory Cats
10 Ghost Shrimp

What would be a better combination?
Munroco said:
I think you should wait to find out what your water properties are before deciding on a stocking list.
Yes, please tell us about the hardness of your water; we really can't recommend suitable species until we know that.

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