At first I was thinking of having a reef tank, but I am now looking towards the more aggressive fish and were wondering if they were compatible with each other and/or my tank size. I have a 125 gallon with live rock (about 100 pounds of live rock in the display and another 125 in the sump). I can move it around if necessary. Here is the fish list I was looking at. Some of these fish are very aggressive, while others are peaceful. I am not sure if the more peaceful fish will survive.
Koran Angelfish
Imperator Angelfish
Blue Tang (maybe too peaceful)??
Yellow Tang (maybe too peaceful)??
Niger Triggrfish
Ungulate Triggerfish
Banana Wrasse
Marina Betta
Yellow Goatfish (probably too big)??
Puffer (not sure which one yet)
Since I can't have inverts in this tank, is there a saltwater catfish of some sort that will clean up the bottom of my tank. I included the Yellow Goatfish in my list, but that one might be too huge.
Are there any other bright colored fish that I am missing?