Are These Fish Compatible?

Actualy, 'black tetra' can encompass several species (mainly black skirts/widows, black enons but sometimes black phantoms etc). Black skirt/black widow tetras are common names specific to a single species (gymnocorymbus ternetzi). Black skirts get to 2" and are the wrong shape to be eaten by angels. however, they are known nippers so are not the best fish to keep with something that has long fins like angels do.

As for the temp. thing - lowering the temperature may reduce aggression in that it discourages the fish from breeding. Angels are most aggressive whilst breeding. It also reduces their metabolic rate and, therefore, activity levels. however, this is stressful for the fish if taken to extremes and it's not a good idea to do this kind of thing when you can, instead, simply ensure you are keeping compatible fish. Also ntoe that aggression is not the reason angels eat small tetras just as predatory species of fish don't attack small fish because of territoriality/aggression. They simply view the small fish as food.
Could I have the temp at 78F because thats what the pleco and tetras have been used to and would it also discourage them to breed which should make them less aggressive?
That temp. would be perfect for everyone but it won't discourage the angels from breeding. angels now-a-days breed readily and will do so unless you lower the temp. to an extreme (which would be a bad idea). If your angels are young, they won't have paired up yet anyway. I don't know how many you have either but most people get a large group (say 6-8) and let them pair off. Once a pair has formed, the rest are returned to the LFS and then, with only one pair in a good-sized tank (like your 55 gallon), there shouldn't be any serious aggression/territoriality issues.
Well I was only getting 4 and am not planning on returning them at all because my lps just put them in the trash once you return it. I thought you could have a few in there because a lps near by has about a 75g or 85g full of full grown angels and they haven't had any aggression that I saw. They just went to the top thinking I was going to feed them. :lol:

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