Are these crystal shrimp eggs?

If you have fish in your tank, depending on what kind, you might lose most of the baby shrimp when they hatch, because some fish love to eat the babies.... If you have fish in the tank, what kind do you have?
Sorry forgot to reply to this. I’ve got neons, rummy nose, black phantoms some Pygmy corys and some panda corys that’s it. Lots of hiding places though as you can see
You will loose some baby shrimp. I have seen with my own eyes, one of my neon tetras eating a baby shrimp. They will eat the some of the babies, but as long as you have a pretty well planted tank, you will have a thriving colony. :)
Nice looking tank!!! :) Unfortunately, I suspect that several of these species may try to eat the baby shrimp once they hatch?
They might try to eat the shrimplets, but with that many hiding places in the tank something will always survive. I bred and breed cherry shrimp with so many livebearers in the tank, but I do have plenty enough places for shrimplets to hide so many shrimplets survive.

When the eggs begin to hatch, momma shrimp will fan her swimmerets and will realease the young. I did see couple of little shrimps hatch :wub:
I’ve just seen her juggling the eggs about and putting them back! Is this normal? So exciting haha how long do they take to hatch?
I’ve just seen her juggling the eggs about and putting them back! Is this normal? So exciting haha how long do they take to hatch?
Yes, that is just her fanning her eggs. It provides fresh water for the eggs. :)
I’ve just seen her juggling the eggs about and putting them back! Is this normal? So exciting haha how long do they take to hatch?
Totally normal. The female will periodically rearrange her eggs to ensure that all of the eggs are getting equal exposure to oxygenated water.. so that eggs closest to her body are moved to the outside... and will continually fan them as well. I've never raised shrimp, but I have raised crayfish and they do the same exact thing...It is so cool to watch!

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