Are there colors, that are unaffected by albinism???

Magnum Man

Supporting Member
Tank of the Month 🏆
Fish of the Month 🌟
Jun 21, 2023
Reaction score
Southern MN
It would seem reds, as I have seen red albino guppies, and rainbow fish before… I guess I always thought albinos were void of color…

Yet for example, these are listed as albino full red…


Are there other colors found in albinos
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Here is a yellow


And here is a blue


Maybe I don’t have a good understanding of albino…
Yes, it's normal. Albino guppies that only have red eyes (total lack of melanin in the eyes) but have colors cells in the skin are called oculair albinos.
Total albinos are also lacking color cells in their skin and are called oculocutaneous albinos (OCA). Albino guppies are also known as Real Red Eye Albinos (RREA).
There are also lutino guppies. These are guppies with red eyes but still have a certain percentage of melanin in the eyes which make the eyes seem dark red which is also know as "Wine Red Eye Albino" (WREA).
A guppy that has got a white or very pale skin and black eyes is called a "leucistic guppy).

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