Are There Any Types Of Fish That Cae's Get Along With?

Mar 17, 2005
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This is just a curiosity thread, but are there any fish that are safe to put with CAE's? My only memory of CAE's in proper community tanks was when i once owned a golden CAE many years ago, i remember it chasing pretty much everything in the tank (mollys, guppys, platys, corys etc) apart from the neon tetras.

The only fish i can think of that could be safe with a full grown CAE are shoaling fish which are too small or agile/quick for a CAE to latch onto or chase with any degree of success.
IME CAEs are only aggressive if they are the largest fish in the tank,
wich for most people is often the case.
IME CAEs are only aggressive if they are the largest fish in the tank,
wich for most people is often the case.

I had them when i first started out B4 coming on here. I had a Group of 3 and aggression was contained to them. They did grow pushing over 5 inches till the wife decided to feed them Mangos :grr: :sick:
The Adults do look very deep Yellow/Gold.
i have one that is currently 6 inches and I have it with a fantail goldfish, black moor, 3 weather loaches, a common pleco (soon to be changed to a royal) a shoal of white clouds, a diamond angel, some hill stream loaches, clown loaches, a RTBS and three peppered corys. they all get along fine.
the only problem is the RTBS chasing my black moor.
i have one that is currently 6 inches and I have it with a fantail goldfish, black moor, 3 weather loaches, a common pleco (soon to be changed to a royal) a shoal of white clouds, a diamond angel, some hill stream loaches, clown loaches, a RTBS and three peppered corys. they all get along fine.
the only problem is the RTBS chasing my black moor.

are you aware that you have tropical, sub-tropical and coldwater fish in the same tank? :S
yep :D they all get along and theres no problems with the temperature. the water is abit above sub tropical. goldfish are pretty much capable of being in any temperatures (apart from stupidity temperatures) so they're not boiling. the tropical are not cold at all either. can tell by their erm mess right?
but yea, they are all perfectly healthy. plecos can be in temps at like 60 something, angels are completely tropical but he's fine and there isnt much to say really. im lucky i guess :D

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