Are There Any Large Plecostomus Articles?


Aug 2, 2013
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So I looked around and I had only seen a small plecostomus article. Are there any large ones? If not then I think I might make one for the fun of it. Anyone think that I shouldn't make one? 
Thank's for the link, as I read that article I thought it was a bit more on the lighter side.... not as detailed. Well I might start on one tomorrow, I won't use any websites though, when it comes to fish, I am more attached to books. I like your Pleco Pic by the way, mine are camera shy.
You're welcome.  I did notice that it wasn't very detailed, I'd love to read one that is!
This sounds like a fun idea, when you're done you should definitely post it here for people to read.  
Thank you, that was my first Pleco, an L444 I named Muddy. :)
Yup, I got him from some people who didn't want to keep fish anymore.  Well you know what they say, if at first you don't succeed try try again! :)
Lol, thank you, I use to have one, but my filter blew out and it was gone with a lot of other fish 
. I was young though and did not know.
Aww that's too bad, mine was a lot of fun to have around.  Oh I know all about being young and not knowing better.  I got my first Betta for my 13th birthday, and decided I should research them because I wanted to breed them. 
I haven't bred them because I found out that the 1/2 gallon tank he was in was too small, and since then I've just been trying to keep them in the proper size tanks! :\

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