Are There Any Fish That Realy Do Glow In The Dark?


Nov 4, 2005
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i have 2 big tank both hold near 50 gallons but im soon going to move to a place where i will have room for about a 110 or 120 gallon tank as well i was hopeing there was some typ of big fish i could get that would glow in the dark when you turn off the lights .....i dont evan no if you can get glowing fish like that i live in a small town and evan the pet shops in the city when i have time to get there i have not seen any thing like that but i think if i had a name of what i wanted they may be able to get it for me? any idears
if you live in the USA, but not california, then you can buy glowfish(tm).
they are a GM fish that has a jellyfish gene in them to make them flourecent.
not my thing but if you want them
there band in most parts of the world i think. its pretty sick how they cross genes with jellyfish or dye them.
hmmm well it sounds like i probly will not be able to get them i live in west australia it sounds like there are not many fish like this??
They are not that uncommon. I have them. They are not died. They added a gene a long time ago. It is not added to each fish, just the origional fish. They breed true. They don't actually glow either. They absorb light then reflect it later. This is what they call glowing. If the room is completely dark you can not see the fish. They do look like they glow with night lighting though.
I have also seen some other colors too. I don't have any of them though. There are yellow and green that I know of besides the ones I have. I have the orange version. It is a zebra danio, by the way. There are dyed rice fish out there, but these are not them.
Glowfish are fairly easy to get in the US. I have no idea about where you are though.
I don't buy dyed fish, and I didn't know that these had been altered when I purchased them. In their defense though. The fish that I have were not messed with. They were born this way. All their fry are just as orange as them. I would not encourage them to alter more fish, but atleast it isn't as bad as the ones where they inject each individual fish. That is just plain cruel. :crazy:
^^^ Wow, I have not seen that before. The glofish mentioned above definately do not look like that. There are some fish that naturally do really light up and glow, but the only ones I can vaguely remember are the deep sea marine ones that I saw a documentary of a while back.
Go fishing around your local nuclear power plant :)

Other than those jellyfish gene fish there aren't any I've seen for tropicals and after getting my current tank I've looked up as many tropical fish as I can online so nothing common (easy to obtain) out there... unless you go for some of the deep marine fish but then I think you'd need a tank atleast 300' tall ;)

On the subject of a GM fish: The gene splicing is done to the embryo and does not cause anywhere near the side affects that the practice of injecting dye into fish causes, the concern with GM fish is more the effect on the ecosystem if they are released into the wild and any potential *very* long term side affects caused by genetic mutation to the 'introduced' gene over time. Dyed fish on the other hand are probably some of the most cruel and inhumane things we could ever do to a fish in the interests of 'beauty'.

In one of our LFS's the other day I saw some dyed fish - I actually found their non-natural look to be replusive to me - yes I like bright coloured fish but I like my fish to be as nature intended or if more colourful done by selective breeding/hybridisation (and that's contenious enough.... but atleast hybrids are a natural process, no needles involved)...
There are bioluminescent species, Cleidopus gloriamaris for example. I can't think of a freshwater species mind. Most bioluminescent fish are deep water species where there is little or no natural light. They use the light produced by symbiotic bacteria to attract prey or mates.
right so unless the fish is nuclear powered i dont have much chance well thanks for the info
right so unless the fish is nuclear powered i dont have much chance well thanks for the info

Or become good friend(really good friend) with some fish scientist. Then s/he may know how to get some GM fish. I read some article few or several years ago when they introduced this fish. And I believe they are created in lab.(franken fish) And like year after that I saw them in local fish store little before Christmas. And they try to sell pink and green and they were priced like $20 for a fish(colorful zebra danios. Although the regular zebra danios are like $1 a piece.
They were one of the novelty fish back then.
...its pretty sick how they cross genes with jellyfish...
I don't understand why people get so up in arms about genetic mutation. I have worked in a lab and while I didn't work with fish, I know people who do and have seen them work.

It's not like this hurts the fish. It all happens before the fish is even conceived in most cases and when they are spawned, they have no recollection of any modification or that they are any different from other fish.

I personally am not a huge fan of GM work purely for aesthetic purposes, but in the world of science it's often all about money unfortunately. Before you get upset about GM fish, think about all the food you eat. A lot of it, and I mean a LOT of it, has been modified in some way. Be it to grow faster or be more resistant to pesticides, etc.
A lot of it, and I mean a LOT of it, has been modified in some way.
Depends where you live. GM material is not allowed in food within the EU for example, so apart from a few accidents where foodstuffs from the US arrived contaminated with some GM material, (was maize I think), no food here is GM.
hmmm i9 wonder if u could add some thing to the fish so it would grew like 4 times bigger trying to think what what a guppy would look like if it grew 4 times bigger then normale .....................heres a shocking site of a bigger then normale pig

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