Are There Anny Colege Students On Here Who Have Dogs?

guppy fan

Nov 6, 2007
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Rexburg Idaho USA
Are there any single, dog owning, colege students on here? Are you living away from home? What do you do when you have to go to class? Is there someone who babysits you dog? How do you and your dog get along with your roomates?

I am currently at colege, and I live away from home. I am considering getting a dog in about two or three years when cercomstances allow. I will still be in colege then. I was just wondering how other students handle having a dog and being in school.

P.S. You may knowtis that I do have a dog in my sig. He is our family dog, so I only get to share a house with him on my off semmester (we have three semmester in each year at our school).
Consider concentrating on your studies. You will have plenty of time in the future for the distraction of raising, properly training, and caring for a dog. A dog is a 15 year commitment, having not even graduated from college yet you have no idea if your lifestyle 5-10 years from now would be the sort where a dog would fit in.

My kids are past college age, they, nor none of their friends had a dog on campus with them. If it was that good of an idea at least a few would have done it.
I didn't think about the life style thing. Perhaps I should wate Untill my life is a little bit more stable to get a dog. I think I'll just stick with my fishy for now, he is awsome and he does keep me company :).
I'm not a student with a dog, but do own a dog who once belonged to a student.
He lived at home, yet thought that the dog was too difficult to look after while he had to concentrate on his studies. Rex, the dog, was only a puppy at the time though. Around 6 months old, which I'm sure does make things harder.

Just make very sure what you're doing first, maybe see if you can foster a pet first? I'd hate to see your dog have to be put up for adoption like the dog we own now.
I would not get a dog mate, lots of care, I live in a flat and would not entertain the idea of having a dog, as much as i would love one....My sister has two cav kings and always has them with her,
I have four dogs (1 lab mix, 2 chows, 1 god-only-knows-what mix (ACD/Chihuahua, maybe) ) and I live alone, going to college full time and working part time.

They are my family and I wouldn't trade them for the world. The older chow and the lab got me through high school, and now the four of them are helping me through college and beyond. It is a lot of work but I wouldn't have it any other way! :)

And yes, I am renting with two chows (plus two other dogs, and the cat, and the rats). It CAN be done, it just takes time and dedication. You love your family enough, you find a way.
Im a sudent and have two german shepherds, and to be honest im glad im living at home so they have someone else to take them out etc if im busy, i would wait personally until you have more time on your hands ^_^

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