Are Rosey Barbs Pregnant?


Fish Fanatic
Sep 27, 2004
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I have four rosey barbs (two males, two females) and I think the two females are pregnant because they're fatter and they're behavior with the males has changes in the last while. Also sometimes the males fins go black on the tips, is this a breeding thing???
Rosy barbs are not livebearers and therefore cannot be pregnant. Your female barbs maybe gravid with eggs, try doing a very large water change letting the depth of the water in the tank drop to around 4 inches of water and your barbs should spawn.
Rosy Barbs, Barbus conchonius are one of the easiest of all egglayers to breed. They are inveterate egg eaters though, so you need to provide a lot of cover for the eggs, and remove the parents as soon as they stop laying. The fry are robust and easy to raise, some liquid fry food will get the stragglers going, but some will be ready to take BS nauplii from the off.
Rosy Barbs, Barbus conchonius are one of the easiest of all egglayers to breed. They are inveterate egg eaters though, so you need to provide a lot of cover for the eggs, and remove the parents as soon as they stop laying. The fry are robust and easy to raise, some liquid fry food will get the stragglers going, but some will be ready to take BS nauplii from the off.

ok i have a question i have one male rosey barb and 3 females and i also and a small fry but only one from a previous but im guessing only one servived now my question is i never did anyof that i didnt even learn that i had different sexes until i found the small fry fish. but im looking at my other fish and well i believe the other two females that i have are about to lay their egge . question is how do i know they hae layed the eggs and where can i look for then and what would they look like?

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