Young ones eat algae, bigger ones generally need more than just the algae in the tank. Personally, if I had the room for a pleco, I would definitely have one. but if its pooping too much for your liking, you can always sell him and go for a bristlenose instead, they grow to 6". As opposed to a pleco, which can reach well over 12"
L number plecos stay small also, and they look really nice, they're just a little costly. Peppermints are another good option, they're the same as bristlenose, but they look much nicer and they generally only get to 5-6" also.
L number plecos stay small also, and they look really nice, they're just a little costly. Peppermints are another good option, they're the same as bristlenose, but they look much nicer and they generally only get to 5-6" also.