Are My Mollies Pregnant Or Sick


New Member
Feb 26, 2012
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Hi this is vikki.I am a newbie.Can anyone help me with my mollies.they have been not eating and always stay at the bottom and stay away from other fishes.I think these are signs of labor.can anyone tell when they will give birth to their fry.

This one is a mixed variety of mollie it stays in a corner and always at bottom and breathing fast not very but a bit slightly.It has also been eating very less.

Here is one more a black molly with white spots its squared off a bit this was taken yesterday now she too behaves similar to the above molly.

These are other females a black and yellow molly not sure about them.Help is appreciated.

Thank you :)
Finally am so happy they gave birth in 12 hours range and some of them wer premature and dead must be due to stress levels.soon will post the pics of fry.most of them haven't survived but 5 fry of black molly and 15 of the other one survived :)

How long were they pregnant for?

Good luck with the fry. :good:

been for 4 weeks or so.cant say most of the fry born are premature are dead.recently even some of the fry died as the dead fry caused white fungus all over my tank treated it with medicine it was too late even bigger fish are dead in no time.Hope the other fry remaining which are separated survives :).

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