Are My Corals Dying? Pictures Inside!

would second skis suggestion that the copperband is the prob, I had an angel fish I was sure wasnt nipping anything then m y first bit of xenia died off without any explanation, when I put a new bit in i noticed one head starting to open and before I could do anything the angel nipped it off, once the angel was removed the xenia came out in full within 48 hours, really need to spend a long time watching it to see if its nipping anything.
The fact that only your Xenia is struggling

I don't think it is just Eigdoogs xenia thats struggling, as he says in the topic description "others 50/50" and with the water stats hes posted(ammonia ,nitrite,phosphates in the water and a ph of 7 ) I 'm not so sure nipping would be the first thing to worry about(although it could well be happening)
Agreed Johnny, but the picture of the current FTS shows healthy corals except for the Xenia. That Colt leather looks good, same with the palythoa, and the sarcophyton... Some inconsistencies/confusion here to be sure
Only a fast reply as i got to go to work :angry:

All my other corals are now 100% fine (it was only for like the day they seemed down)

I did a water change and when i put the new water in the xenia looks "happyer" and now it does look abit better (i will see when the light comes on when im home) but there still is green. I have took the very green one out, they were the small ones (omg they smelled :sick: and they were like jelly )

I have seen the copperband go for my "tube/coco worms" i think there called but he dont do it now and i have not seen him at my xenia but then again i dont look 24/7. is there a way i can put him somewhere so i can see if my xenia gets better (only have the one marine tank) i mean something like a side net as such.

Is it worth putting more carbon in than needed?

I am trying to do anything you guys say but its hard to keep up :unsure:

I am greatful for all your help everyone :fish:

Many Thanks Eigdoog :good:

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