Fish Fanatic
For context, I have a 30 gal tank with Current Satellite LEDs, moderately planted with gravel bottom, mostly hornwart, water sprite, swords and java ferns, lots of driftwood, lots of tannins. My fish are 15 cardinals, 8 pygmy corys and 5 cherry shrimp. I have two female lyretail mollies and one black sailfin male molly. Water is 78 degrees, hang on back filter so should be well oxygenated. Water parameters are 7.3 pH, ammonia 0, nitrites 0, nitrates 5, GH 50~75, KH 140. I am using softened wellwater. I treat the water with aquavitro seed and dechlorinator/balancer. My shrimp don't get a lot of leftovers, as I feed my fish sparingly, but I give them about 10 hikari shrimp pellets a day, which they may or may not be eating as the cardinals and mollies also go for them. Luckily they are happy to munch on my driftwood fungus. Does this sound like a sustainable diet for my shrimp long term? If not, how can I be sure they get their pellets and not the fish?