Are Malawi's Stressheads in transit???

kev h

New Member
Jan 1, 2003
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Am I doing something wrong???

Every time I bring some new fish home, I lose one or two.... last one was in the tank 24 hrs....feeding, usual malawi things, sex, violence and murder... Got up morning later and dead.... no visible signs...

Her mate Aulonocara stuartgranti, is doing fine...ruling the tank.

The tank is appx 50 gallons, has 6 auloncaras, 4 yellow labs, 4 pseudotropheus masonii and a couple of tanganyika Juli's (scriventum??) thrown in for variety

Ph is 8.2
nitrite is 0
ammonia is 0
temp is 26
salt is present at reccomended volume..

Am i destined never to breed off me stuart grantii??? Sob!!!

Thanks for all advice in advance...

how do you acclimate them?if they are coming from the lfs and their ph is 7.2 then it might be ph shock.

what kind of salt are you using?is it the rift lake stuff?or sea salt?i wasnt aware that salt was needed :unsure: this may also irritate them if they'r not acclimated properly.

p.s sorry about you'r losses :-(
It's rift lake salt.. according to the dealer, all his water is 8.2 for malawis.... I've started buying from a solely malawi dealer are much better quality and not dying off!!! apart from a scriv tanganyikan...sob..

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