cassandra said:
i was looking at guppys the other day at the fish store,and saw some cool ones, but are they cool to have, and would it be cool to put them in my tank since i put my betta in there, he was the last fish i put in??
Guppies are a lovely addition to any community tank. They have lovely colours, produce lots of fry, not as much as mollies, they have lovely temperments and are easy to look after.
I found myself, that the less fancy guppies, that you can buy from local fishstores insteads of breeders are allot easier to keep and stay alive! They are all rounded, more hardy.-they might be a little less colourfull, but the amount of ease to look after them outweighs that.
The male guppies might be attacked by the male betta. But as i have recently learned from others, guppies and bettas have successfully be kept togetther.
The bettas dont like the male guppies fancy tails very much.
BUT... People have said on here, that it all depends onthe personality pf the betta!!!
Let us know if you do get the guppies, and the tank if fine, (NO DEATHS) id like to know myself, as im thinking of getting a male betta in my tank with my guppies etc
hope that helps...