Are Feeder Fish Safe

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If it was good for a fish to have live feeders then don't you think more people would be using them? Most members on here (as well as other people) try their best to get their predatory fish OFF live foods but as most will already know the longer they have been given live in the past the harder it is to get them off it.

Nobody (well most people) wants to run the risk of passing any diseases onto their fish through giving feeders. Not only that but it's actually illegal to use fish as feeders in a lot of places as its cruelty. As baccuss also pointed out in his post. Don't get me wrong if you or anyone for that matter doesn't mind the risks involved then by all means go ahead and do as you want, makes no difference to me either way. All iv done is answered the OP's question and given them a better alternative
Not only that but it's actually illegal to use fish as feeders in a lot of places as its cruelty.

cruelty?....give me a break....its called nature!....the cycle of life!

you know what i would call cruelty?....trying to change the natural insticts of a predatory type fish, and thats exactly what people are doing by not feeding them live,

there are alot of people out there who think keeping fish in an aquarium is cruel to begin with!....regardless of how well they are treated, why?....because its not natural, and neither is feeding a predatory type fish pellets, worms and flakes,

i suppose everybody who eats beef, chicken, ham, pork, etc etc are being cruel too?, its nature, the cycle of life, us killing and eating an animal is no different from a fish eating live fish....we are just lucky enough to be at the top of the pyramid!

P.S. i still see no facts in your response
Can I remind everyone to please discuss this calmly and maturely. I get that we all have different opinions, and that's ok, just remember that other people will disagree with you. It's fine to debate but keep it friendly :good:
Mikey, the reason it's cruel is that in the wild, the prey has a chance of escape (survival of the fittest, and all that), whereas in an aquarium, the prey has no chance. Therein lies the difference.
As above. There is a big difference between the wild and a tank. No matter what size the tank the prey has no means of escape what so ever... Cruelty.
As above. There is a big difference between the wild and a tank. No matter what size the tank the prey has no means of escape what so ever... Cruelty.

does a cow, a chicken, or a pig have a chance to escape when it goes to the slaughterhouse?

if you have ever eaten meat in your life you are a is called the food chain plain and simple
Apart from the cruelty aspect, you have to remember that most feeder fish are not a healthy diet. Yes fish like oscars eat other fish in the wild, but those fish will not be goldfish or guppies! Nor will the fish they're eating have been fed on a diet of commercial fish food.

Also, things like goldfish and rosy minnows contain high levels of thiaminase, which are very very harmful to the long term health of the fish being fed.

I think this thread has run it's course now anyway; everyone's put forward their opinions and the OP can make up their own mind about what they should do, so I'm going to close it.
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