Are Crs Really Weak?


Official Forum Weirdo Detective
Jul 14, 2007
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2 of the 4 I bought a fortnight ago are dead already. Stats are fine, no other casualties.
could your GH, KH or PH be not suited to them?

id have a look around on a few sites to see what there prefered water stats are (GH,KH and PH), and then go from there
Ah right ok never had probs with it before but will check it out
CRS are one of the most sensitive shrimp, they prefer soft acidic water. They can still survive in more alkaline water (like mine pH7.5) but they can be more sensitive to slight water changes in water like this.

If there are other shrimp in the tank and they are ok then its probably due to stress from transit rather than a water quality issue.
my water is soft in devon - i dont have the actual reading but trust me its soft and my ph is 7-7.2 and mine get on ok
my tank has only been set up since september but filter media is from tanks over the past 15 years lol - just gets cloned and passed on to make more tanks - renewing along the way aswell though

cheers Sarah x

mel it might be worth asking if anyone in your area are keeping the CRS and having any luck
I've not had a problem with mine, they seem about as hardy as my other shrimp. Are you heating the tank?

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