Are Corydoras And Feather Fins Compatible?

somebody told me they wasent,
but i could do with a little extra advise?

In my experience they can exist in the same tank ok, but I am looking to re-home my featherfin because he is generally agressive but towards my Plec - do yours get on ok?
The corys are quick enough to get out of the way when the Featherfin goes on the rampage and apart from just bashing into them sometimes he doesnt set out to deliberatly attack or harrass them.
Just make sure the cory's can't fit in its mouth.But as said featherfins can be quite territorial.
Just make sure the cory's can't fit in its mouth.But as said featherfins can be quite territorial.
i agree thy will be fine aslong as they cant get it in there mouth.

totally agree, they munch everything and anything that will fit! (RIP some neons I bought before I knew...)

In that case I don't recommend keeping corys with them. If the corys sense there is a predator nearby it could stress them. Stress of any kind is best avoided since it can weaken their immune systems and make them more likely to become sick or have a shortened livespan.
i have thought about this alot myself, and also came to the decision that i dont want to keep corydoras with a feather fin.
after observing my syno when he comes out, it could well be a bad idea,
thanks for the answers guys
Its hit and miss. Syno. cats are very active and will stress out sensitive corys. To be honest i woulddn't do it.


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