Are Cories Peaceful


New Member
May 3, 2008
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Sydney Australia
I have never had corydoras
Just asking do Cories go well with tetras and gouramis.
I think they will

But asking never hurts.

What would be the cories you suggest
they are very peacfull and have rapidly become my most favorite fish =)
Hey Steve.

I'd just like to add a minor proviso to what ShoC said.

For the most part, corys are peaceful BUT some of the elegans species can get quite pushy when they're in the spawning mood. They don't bite or nip but they will chase other fish away.

Just thought I should clarify.

Some gouramis can be agressive with Corys. Corys in general are very shy. Some gouramis will torment them and drive them into hiding.
Cories will often use there sharp teeth to mame or even kill other much larger fish, be carefull!

...Only joking :p
Hey Steve.

I'd just like to add a minor proviso to what ShoC said.

For the most part, corys are peaceful BUT some of the elegans species can get quite pushy when they're in the spawning mood. They don't bite or nip but they will chase other fish away.

Just thought I should clarify.


This I can believe :rolleyes:
corydoras are like one of the most peaceful fish in the world lol they don't have teeth, so they can't eat the majority of fish eggs so some fish that have just laid eggs even allow corys to get closer than other fish to them.
they also have so much character and they are one of my favourite fish :hyper:
corydoras are like one of the most peaceful fish in the world lol they don't have teeth, so they can't eat the majority of fish eggs so some fish that have just laid eggs even allow corys to get closer than other fish to them.
they also have so much character and they are one of my favourite fish :hyper:

Hi pinkdolphin

Although they have no teeth they WILL eat fish eggs. I've seen mine eat their own eggs. The take them into their mouth and do a kind of quick twisting motion to tear the eggs away from whatever they were stuck to. So far I haven't seen them eat other fishes' eggs but then again I have SEEN other other fishhes' eggs.

Some gouramis can be agressive with Corys. Corys in general are very shy. Some gouramis will torment them and drive them into hiding.
My red tailed black shark keeps harrassing my cories not sure wether to remove the shark anyone else have this prob?

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